WordPress 5.0 is about to be released. Gutenberg the new JavaScript and React.js based editor will be a part of WP 5.0.
I have been working on a cool project that uses Artificial Intelligence to help a multi-author blog with automated content moderation. Just made a quick video to showcase this excellent use-case where Gutenberg + AI can help you manage your site.
Makes for a good dev-tip, I hope.
📺 Watch a more detailed version on YouTube →
Video Transcript
🎸 (MUSIC PLAYING) What is going on — this is Ahmad Awais back with another #OneDevMinute We are this close to the WordPress 5.0 release. And the awesome JavaScript based Gutenberg Editor is going to be a part of it. Guess what, I have been working on this awesome project — where I am using Artificial Intelligence to moderate a "multi-author blog". 👍 AI + Gutenberg is an awesome combination! What do you say, I show exactly what I mean?! Let's jump right in. So, the project I am working on includes a helpful Google AdSense integration inside of Gutenberg with Artificial Intelligence. See what happens is when you upload an image the Computer Vision AI — thanks to Microsoft Azure takes a look if the image that you just uploaded is an offensive image, in the context of your site. E.g., if you're using AdSense, there are a ton of things that you should not be using on your site. For example; you should not be using Adult Content — and a number of other things like dangerous, shocking, or drug-related violent content. 🤣 I am not going to show this image to you; because every video I upload is safe for work! 💯 I've uploaded this image, and as you can see, it has been categorized as adult content. The computer vision AI has reported back 89% confidence in an adult and nude picture. You might be wondering, what have I got to do with Adult Imagery, But you could be uploading an 🤞 innocent image with something that includes blood. That is also not so user-friendly. And as you can see, this AI is now 97% confident that the image you just uploaded inside of Gutenberg contains blood. And that might not be OK with Google AdSense. I think this is a super interesting use-case of Gutenberg with AI. What do you think? Tell me more about in the comments below! And that was one minute, I'll catch you later. Peace! ✌️
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P.S. If you like my work, feel free to share it, like it. I teach at VSCode.pro & I am quite active on twitter you can find me cracking silly jokes there, maybe follow me on Twitter to connect and subscribe to my YouTube channel →
Peace! ✌️
Top comments (1)
Hey Ahmad, I came across your create-guten-block repo, thanks for sharing it! I have been reading the Gutenberg handbook, however it doesn't seem to specify a pattern to organize files or a setup much like you propose with your project.
What are your thoughts on how the block system should integrate into theme development? Should blocks specifically designed for a theme be developed as a plugin or as part of the theme ifself?