🔥 #OneDevMinute is my new series on development tips in one minute. Wish me luck to keep it consistent on a daily basis. Your support means a lot to me. Feedback on the video is welcomed as well.
Ever had that typo where you wrote cd..
instead of cd ..
— well this tip not only addresses that typo but also adds a couple other aliases to help you easily navigate through your systems directories. More in the video…
# 🔥 #OneDevMinute
# Daily one minute developer tips.
# Ahmad Awais (https://twitter.com/MrAhmadAwais)
# Easier directory navigation.
alias ~="cd ~"
alias .="cd .."
alias ..="cd ../.."
alias ...="cd ../../.."
alias ....="cd ../../../.."
alias cd..="cd .." # Typo addressed.
Copy paste these aliases at the end of your
files and then reload/restart your shell/terminal application.
Liquid error: internal
If you'd like to 📺 watch in 1080p that's on Youtube →
This is a new project so bear with me. Peace! ✌️
Top comments (8)
without any arguments will default to~
Didn't know that.
Here are some of the aliases I'm using, hopefully someone might find one useful.
alias -="cd -"
To go last working directory
Yes. That's what my last tip was ⬇️
#OneDevMinute: Go back to the Previous Directory
Ahmad Awais ⚡️
I never thought about the adding the typo as an alias, very neat idea.
You can use autojump to change folders faster
There's also
packages which are pretty cool.