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Discussion on: What To Expect When You're Expecting To Drop IE11 🗑️

agronick profile image
Kyle Agronick

Developers should stop supporting these unmaintained browsers and force users into a better, faster, and more modern experience. Too much time and energy is spent on supporting browsers that people are using simply because they don't know any better.

If seeing the message "Your browser is not supported" was a common occurrence people would stop using IE 11. Instead we punish everyone sending out bloated transpiled and polyfilled code just to placate the tiny minority using browsers half a decade old.

samthor profile image
Sam Thorogood

I agree, but I also can't stress this enough: if your site is mostly content, then just ship content. For me and my projects at Google, this happens by only shipping <script type="module"> code. Everyone else gets the basic HTML version.

agronick profile image
Kyle Agronick • Edited

I'm doing something similar with Vue. The modern mode flag makes it easy. It creates two builds. Using the module and nomodule fags IE users get transpiled code and everyone else gets just minified code.

I've found that its not foolproof though. It can generate some wierd errors when it converts a generator into a jumbled mess of semi-equivalent functions. Luckily I don't have to worry about it. I got the go-ahead to drop IE. Giving them the transpiled code is literally all we are doing for them. If it breaks, its not an issue.

IE users see a big warning on a login screen telling them in no uncertain terms that their browser will not work. Its kind of disheartening how many lines I still see in the server logs with "Trident". I don't know why these people are so stubborn and insist on using a slow browser on a website that tells them that they will experience errors on that site.