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Malnet or how hacker taken over my network with one command in nslookup

We all understand well, how dangerous are certain viruses. Sure, ransomware being the example on the strong side, nonetheless we tend to underestimate the rest.

I will make an attempt to share a concise example, how much harm can the inosence bring, in particular I mean cases where amateur individuals install more and more nasty threats only because they sincerely want to get rid of some malicious programs by downloading questionable links.

Let me elaborate. I was kinda excited to play with malicious dotnet, basically naughty ms clone. It was fun to see how much of actual internal structure you can bring down by utilising few pentest tools. I have gotten to such level of laziness, where I simply sent more queries as a substitute for completely skipping the reconnaissance. Anyway, almost every resource about red teaming warns immediately about serious consequences if someone attempted to do similar things at home, however this post isn't about that. I presume that readers of such security probing must have read a good amount of related material previously, as this is not a beginner's level. However, if you progressing with hacking and can't leave alone recently established virus in your network, remember, that behaving as a noobie usually bring less issues.
So initially fun experience with kind of a black type of tool arsenal ended in a disaster and the internet outage for some weeks

In a nutchell, I was aware of a malicous DVD layer, which meant to be a series of movies about Harry Potter, however I wasn't really willing to investigate and confirm to myself that it wasn't the clause of my install actions, stupidly naive so to speak. I have been playing with nslookup queries, then all of the sudden a bad DNS error was thrown, and regardless what remediations I was attempting, DNS probe was not resolving across all devices of my lan network. Coincidently, malicious PCI- Eth bridged all ports in my modem/router (Pppoe / wan) as well as, ran some really nasty PowerShell scripts from the side memory, which resulted my internet network become NATTed inside out, if I may. I strongly advise everyone never trust any units used as storage or communication. There is a iPhone charge cable you can buy from hak5 to basically hijack and steal all wifi passwords, so just be vary. How they say prudency doesn't do any shame.

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