DEV Community

Discussion on: What do your friends and family think about the software industry?

agitri profile image

Family / uncles / cousins; dont understand why my job is hard / pays well.

friends; dont understand the complexity and only have 'great ideas' for an app.

wife; understands what i go through but doesnt understands my job.

it is pretty fun when u find a random like-minded developer, only than you can talk the same language, even when the other person develops in a different language.

and than after all that you have the sandwich-programmars who only do it for the money / benefits. those are the worst kind, trust me im sitting next to one, hes an idiot.


metruzanca profile image
Samuele Zanca

The reason I'm in this career is because I enjoy coding.
Guess you could say I'm entitled when I say this but I couldn't see myself doing something I don't enjoy.