DEV Community

Angela Silva
Angela Silva

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My #100DaysOfCode Challenge: Focusing on Building My Portfolio

I decided to start the #100DaysOfCode challenge because I want to focus deeply on building my portfolio. Everyone knows that a developer without a portfolio is like a house that has its electrical energy generated by mice running to obtain mechanical energy and convert it into electrical energy: it works, but it’s not the best way to do it.

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To be honest, I don’t have any problem with studying every day. It’s something I’m already used to, and I think I’ll talk about it in another post. However, in the last few days, I’ve been thinking about my portfolio, which has been on my to-do list for a long time. After reading some articles that Medium recommended to me last week, I decided to really focus on it.

You may have heard about the #100DaysOfCode challenge. It’s very simple, and I’m going to adapt it to my reality.

The first rule of the #100DaysOfCode challenge is that you’re going to code for 100 days in a row. The second rule of the #100DaysOfCode challenge is that you’re going to code for 100 days in a row. Do you get the reference?

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I thought about some rules that I’m going to try to accomplish during the challenge period, and some of them are actually things that the official challenge recommends.

  1. Code for 100 days, for at least one hour per day, in a row. That’s the only rule that the challenge imposes, and I’m going to do my best to accomplish it. However, I’ll keep in mind that things can happen, and if I fail to study for one day, or if I can’t study for a full hour at a particular time, it’s okay. The important thing is not to give up and keep going.

  2. I’m mainly going to focus on practical things. Of course, I’ll study theoretical things as well, but my main goal is to put my hand in the dough. Does that expression exist in English? Here in Brazil, it’s a popular one, and everybody’s mom uses it.

  3. I’m going to share my progress, because I really believe that sharing makes it more difficult to give up on something. It’s a social commitment. I’m going to try to make at least one post per week to share my project’s progress.

That’s it!

Have you ever done something like this? If you have any tips or experiences to share, I would love to read about them!

Oh, and please subscribe to my Medium if you can.

That’s it for today. Bye-bye!

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