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Ben Collins
Ben Collins

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Using bootstrapped paket

I use the Paket package manager in several of my projects by bootstrapping, and so I wind up with a .paket directory at the root of my project folder which contains the paket.exe I need to use. I find it cumbersome to invoke it with relative paths like ../../../.paket/paket.exe, so I wrote a little bit of powershell to ensure the bootstrapped paket is in my path.

This is in the Cmder $PrePrompt function, but if you're not using Cmder, you can do this in the Prompt function of your Powershell profile (which you would have to add if you don't have it already. See about_Prompts for more info.

The relevant bits of my user-profile.ps1 set up for Cmder:

Function Get-AncestorPath ($dir, $name) {
    $target = Get-ChildItem $dir |? { $_.Name -eq $name }
    if ($target -ne $Null) {
        return $target
    } elseif ($dir.Parent -ne $Null) {
        return Get-AncestorPath $dir.Parent, $name
    } else {
        return $Null

[ScriptBlock]$PrePrompt = {
    $paketDir = Get-AncestorPath $pwd ".paket" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    if ($paketDir -eq $Null) {
        if ($Env:Path -like "*.paket*") {
            Write-Verbose "Removing .paket path from `$Env:Path"
            $Env:Path = $Env:Path -split ';' `
                |? { $_ -notlike "*.paket*" } `
                | Join-String -Separator ';'

    Write-Verbose "Paket path: $paketDir"

    if (($Env:Path -split ';') -notcontains $paketDir) {
        Write-Verbose "Adding '$paketDir' to path..."
        $Env:Path = "$paketDir;$($Env:Path)"

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aggieben profile image
Ben Collins

P.S. - now that .NET Core supports CLI tools, it's easier to just use paket as a CLI tool.