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Amanda Guan
Amanda Guan

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Exploring Metrics with Thanos Query UI and PromQL

The Thanos Query UI provides robust querying capabilities across multiple Prometheus instances, offering a comprehensive analysis of your metrics. Using the Thanos Interactive example dataset, I experimented with various PromQL queries to explore metrics. Here’s a summary based on frequent use cases:

Available Metrics in the Metrics Explorer:

  • continuous_app_metric0
  • continuous_app_metric1
  • continuous_app_metric2
  • continuous_app_metric3
  • continuous_app_metric4

PromQL Query Examples:

  1. Sum of Metrics: sum(continuous_app_metric0) - Sum across all clusters and replicas.
  2. Sum by Cluster: sum(continuous_app_metric0) by (cluster) - Grouped by cluster.
  3. Sum by Replica: sum(continuous_app_metric0) by (replica) - Grouped by replica.
  4. Average by Cluster: avg(continuous_app_metric0) by (cluster) - Average grouped by cluster.
  5. Maximum Value by Replica: max(continuous_app_metric0) by (replica) - Max value grouped by replica.
  6. Count of Instances: count(continuous_app_metric0) - Count of reporting instances.
  7. Specific Cluster and Replica: continuous_app_metric0{cluster="eu-1", replica="0"} - Current value for a specific cluster and replica.
  8. Alerting: continuous_app_metric0 > 100 - Create an alert if the metric exceeds a threshold.

Understanding Empty Query Results:

  • Histogram Quantile Query: May return empty if _bucket suffix is missing, required for histogram_quantile.
  • Comparison Between Clusters: Returns empty if data points are missing or unmatched in timestamps.

PromQL Info Messages:

  • Rate and Increase Queries: Indicate that continuous_app_metric0 might not be a counter as it does not end in _total, _sum, _count, or _bucket.

Metric Types Explained:

  • Metric Types in Prometheus
    • Gauge: Tracks current values that can go up or down (e.g., memory usage).
    • Counter: Tracks cumulative totals that only increase (e.g., total HTTP requests).
    • Histogram: Tracks distributions across buckets (e.g., request latencies).
    • Summary: Tracks distributions as quantiles/percentiles (e.g., request latencies).
  • Metric Types in Instrumentation
    • Gauge: Use methods like Set(), Inc(), Dec(), Add(), Sub().
    • Counter: Use methods like Inc(), Add().
    • Histogram: Configure buckets, use Observe() to categorize values.
    • Summary: Specify quantiles, use Observe() to track values.

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