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Scripting vs. Programming Languages: Uncover the Key Differences Every Developer Should Know!

Discover key insights into scripting vs. programming languages that every developer should know! Understanding the difference between scripting and programming languages is key in software development.
Scripting languages are interpreter-based, while programming languages are compiler-based, defining their distinct uses and behaviors.
There are few exceptions here as well.

Scripting languages are ideal for combining existing components within an application, making them great for integration and automation tasks. They run within an existing program, converting high-level instructions to machine language on-the-fly, without needing prior compilation. This makes them simpler and faster to use, with shorter, easier-to-write code. They don’t create specific file types and typically involve lower maintenance costs. Examples include VB Script, Perl, Ruby, PHP, and JavaScript.

In contrast, programming languages are used to develop applications from scratch. They compile the entire program into machine language, resulting in standalone, self-executable code. This process requires more complex and lengthy code, offering comprehensive support for data types, UI design, and graphics. While more time-consuming and expensive to maintain, programming languages provide the robustness needed for building large-scale applications. Examples include C, C++, COBOL, Basic, VB, C#, Pascal, and Java.

Fun fact: The term “scripting language” originates from the early days of computing when scripts were used to automate the execution of tasks on mainframe computers. One of the first scripting languages was JCL (Job Control Language), used in the 1960s to manage and automate job processing on IBM mainframes.

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