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Doing Hard Things

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" - A strong man(probably).

On the 9th of March, 2024, I woke up around 6 am. It was a Saturday so it was unusual for me to be up that early. I said my prayers, picked up my phone and opened WhatsApp. Scrolling through unread messages, a post in my school's Google Developer Student Club group caught my eye. "Django Developer Needed. DM." Interesting I thought. After contemplating for some minutes and going through some moments of self-doubt, I opened the group and messaged the person who posted it.

There was a catch. He said he was in need of a Django Developer with workable knowledge of Bootstrap. Bruhhh I thought. I was a decent Django Developer, but front-end stuff like Bootstrap and CSS? Not my thing. I had a little chat with God on it and I felt cool about it. Taking a deep breath, I told the guy I'd take the gig. We discussed my charge and deadline- I had 24 hours to come up with a working Application. I said "No p", trying to sound confident(even though this was going to be my first paid gig, ever).

There was no power in my hostel, so I packed my Laptop, my charger, Rubik's Cube(for when my brain stops cooperating) and notepad into my bag, and had my bath, drank tea, and headed to the co-working space on campus. While walking, I brainstormed about how the structure of the App would be- team management features, am I using Class Based Views or Function Based Views?, stuff like that. Half-excitement, half-terror tightened my chest. Had I bitten more than I can chew??

I got to the co-working space, paid the fee, took a seat. I booted my Laptop, opened VSCode and just stared. Instead of the usual thrill of building something new, a wave of imposter syndrome washed over me. Omoo can I actually do this thing? I closed my eyes, said a quick prayer and started working. I had a deadline to beat.

The next 15 hours were a blur of coding, troubleshooting, and frantic calls to friends for help and moral support. The only breaks I took were to solve my Cube and eat. I had never worked that long in my short coding life before and the exhilarating feeling I had when I made my final push to GitHub might just be similar to what Neil Armstrong felt when he took that first step on the moon. One small step for Afebu and a giant leap for his coding career lol

"I can do all things..." Paul (f.k.a Saul) from Tarsus

Last month, I saw a post on X about HNG Internship 11. I had heard stories about how difficult, grueling and rigorous the whole process is. But then I remembered that 24-hour coding marathon. "Well, well, well," I thought, a smile creeping across my face. "Hello hard things, I guess we meet again."

If you are interested in doing hard things too click here to register for the HNG Internship.

I am Afebu Victor Balogun. This is my story, and I am sticking to it.

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