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Creating a RESTful API with Express.js:

Link: Creating a RESTful API using Node and Express 4
Overview: This tutorial, hosted on, provides a step-by-step guide to building a RESTful API using Node.js and Express.js. It is hands-on and suitable for developers who want to create a backend API for their web or mobile applications.
Key Steps and Concepts:
Setting Up a Node.js Project: The tutorial guides you through setting up a Node.js project, including installing dependencies using npm.
Creating Express Routes: Explains how to define routes for handling different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
Handling Data with MongoDB: Demonstrates how to use MongoDB, a NoSQL database, for storing and retrieving data in the context of a RESTful API.
Middleware in Express: Covers the concept of middleware in Express and how it can be used for tasks like authentication and error handling.
Testing the API Endpoints: The tutorial introduces testing techniques for ensuring the correctness of the API.

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