In today's connected world, APIs are the backbone of modern applications, enabling different software systems to communicate with each other. While many developers rely on frameworks like Node.js, Python, or Java for building APIs, C++ is a powerful yet often overlooked option. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through creating your own API using C++ and the Drogon framework—a high-performance, production-ready framework for developing web applications.
We’ll explore how to set up a basic API from scratch, how to define routes and endpoints, and how to manage JSON data. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a solid foundation for building and deploying your own C++ APIs.
What You'll Learn:
- Setting up a C++ development environment for API creation.
- Creating a basic API using the Drogon framework.
- Managing routes, endpoints, and handling HTTP methods.
- Working with JSON data using JsonCpp.
- Best practices for structuring and deploying your API.
Project Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll build a simple book database API called TheBookDB. This API will allow users to:
- Retrieve a List of Books: Fetch information about books in the database.
- Filter Books: Search for books based on specific criteria like publication date and author.
- Add New Books: Insert new book entries into the database.
- Update Existing Books: Modify the details of existing books.
- Delete Books: Remove books from the database.
Key API Endpoints:
- GET /books: Retrieve all books in the database.
- GET /books/filter: Filter books based on criteria like publication date and author.
- POST /books: Add a new book to the database.
- PATCH /books/{bookID}: Update an existing book’s details.
- DELETE /books/{bookID}: Delete a book from the database.
- PUT /books/{bookID}: Update or add a book.
Technologies and Tools
To build our API, we'll use the following technologies and tools:
- C++: The programming language at the core of our API, chosen for its speed, efficiency, and system-level capabilities.
- Drogon Framework: A high-performance C++ HTTP application framework, perfect for creating web applications and APIs.
- JsonCpp: A lightweight C++ library used for parsing and manipulating JSON data, which is crucial for API responses and requests.
- Linux (Ubuntu): Our development environment, though the instructions are generally applicable across different Linux distributions.
Getting started
- Create a new drogon project
drogon_ctl create project <project_name>
- Since our project aims to develop the books API. Let's create a controller Book.
drogon_ctl create controller Book
- Navigate to the directory and and build the project
cd <project_name>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
- Run the project
Get ready with your csv file for books. I have used the books.csv that I found from kaggle. Download the csv file change the name to books.csv and place it to the root directory. You can download it from my github repo too : Click here
Now let's make the structures for the CMakeLists. Add this line to your file. This will make sure when you build the project then a copy of books.csv will be created in the build directory to which the clients can interact.
configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/books.csv ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/books.csv COPYONLY)
- Book.h :
#include <drogon/HttpController.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <jsoncpp/json/json.h>
struct Book {
std::string bookID;
std::string title;
std::string authors;
std::string avgRating;
std::string isbn;
std::string isbn13;
std::string languageCode;
std::string numPages;
std::string ratingsCount;
std::string textReviewsCount;
std::string publicationDate;
std::string publisher;
static std::string escapeCSV(const std::string& str);
std::string toCSV() const;
static Book fromCSV(const std::string& line);
class BookController : public drogon::HttpController<BookController>
ADD_METHOD_TO(BookController::getBooks, "/books", drogon::Get);
ADD_METHOD_TO(BookController::filterBooks, "/books/filter", drogon::Get);
ADD_METHOD_TO(BookController::addBook, "/books", drogon::Post);
ADD_METHOD_TO(BookController::updateBook, "/books/{bookID}", drogon::Patch);
ADD_METHOD_TO(BookController::deleteBook, "/books/{bookID}", drogon::Delete);
ADD_METHOD_TO(BookController::putBook, "/books/{bookID}", drogon::Put);
void getBooks(const drogon::HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function<void(const drogon::HttpResponsePtr&)>&& callback);
void filterBooks(const drogon::HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function<void(const drogon::HttpResponsePtr&)>&& callback);
void addBook(const drogon::HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function<void(const drogon::HttpResponsePtr&)>&& callback);
void updateBook(const drogon::HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function<void(const drogon::HttpResponsePtr&)>&& callback);
void deleteBook(const drogon::HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function<void(const drogon::HttpResponsePtr&)>&& callback);
void putBook(const drogon::HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function<void(const drogon::HttpResponsePtr&)>&& callback);
static const std::string CSV_FILE;
static std::string escapeCSV(const std::string& str);
static std::vector<Book> readBooksFromCSV(int limit = -1, int offset = 0);
static void writeBooksToCSV(const std::vector<Book>& books);
static Book findBookByTitle(const std::string& title);
static bool dateInRange(const std::string& date, const std::string& startDate, const std::string& endDate);
static bool bookExists(const std::string& bookID);
- Book.cpp :
#include "Book.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <jsoncpp/json/json.h>
#include <algorithm>
// CSV file path
const std::string BookController::CSV_FILE = "books.csv";
// Utility function to escape CSV strings
std::string Book::escapeCSV(const std::string& str)
std::string escapedStr = str;
if (str.find(',') != std::string::npos || str.find('"') != std::string::npos)
escapedStr = '"' + str + '"';
return escapedStr;
// Convert Book object to CSV format
std::string Book::toCSV() const
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << escapeCSV(bookID) << ','
<< escapeCSV(title) << ','
<< escapeCSV(authors) << ','
<< escapeCSV(avgRating) << ','
<< escapeCSV(isbn) << ','
<< escapeCSV(isbn13) << ','
<< escapeCSV(languageCode) << ','
<< escapeCSV(numPages) << ','
<< escapeCSV(ratingsCount) << ','
<< escapeCSV(textReviewsCount) << ','
<< escapeCSV(publicationDate) << ','
<< escapeCSV(publisher);
return oss.str();
// Create Book object from CSV line
Book Book::fromCSV(const std::string& line)
std::istringstream iss(line);
std::string token;
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
while (std::getline(iss, token, ','))
// Remove leading and trailing spaces from each token
token.erase(0, token.find_first_not_of(' '));
token.erase(token.find_last_not_of(' ') + 1);
Book book;
if (tokens.size() >= 12)
book.bookID = tokens[0];
book.title = tokens[1];
book.authors = tokens[2];
book.avgRating = tokens[3];
book.isbn = tokens[4];
book.isbn13 = tokens[5];
book.languageCode = tokens[6];
book.numPages = tokens[7];
book.ratingsCount = tokens[8];
book.textReviewsCount = tokens[9];
book.publicationDate = tokens[10];
book.publisher = tokens[11];
return book;
// Read books from CSV file
std::vector<Book> BookController::readBooksFromCSV(int limit, int offset)
std::ifstream file(CSV_FILE);
std::vector<Book> books;
std::string line;
int count = 0;
// Skip the header line
std::getline(file, line);
while (std::getline(file, line))
if (count >= offset && (limit == -1 || count < offset + limit))
return books;
// Write books to CSV file
void BookController::writeBooksToCSV(const std::vector<Book>& books)
std::ofstream file(CSV_FILE);
if (!file.is_open())
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open CSV file for writing");
// Write header
file << "bookID,title,authors,avgRating,isbn,isbn13,languageCode,numPages,ratingsCount,textReviewsCount,publicationDate,publisher\n";
// Write book data
for (const auto& book : books)
file << book.toCSV() << "\n";
// Find book by title
Book BookController::findBookByTitle(const std::string& title)
std::ifstream file(CSV_FILE);
std::string line;
// Skip the header line
std::getline(file, line);
while (std::getline(file, line))
Book book = Book::fromCSV(line);
if (book.title == title)
return book;
throw std::runtime_error("Book not found");
// Utility function to parse date strings
std::tm parseDate(const std::string& date)
std::tm tm = {};
std::istringstream ss(date);
ss >> std::get_time(&tm, "%m/%d/%Y");
if (
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to parse date: " + date);
return tm;
// Check if a date is in the specified range
bool BookController::dateInRange(const std::string& date, const std::string& startDate, const std::string& endDate)
std::tm dateTm = parseDate(date);
std::tm startTm = parseDate(startDate);
std::tm endTm = parseDate(endDate);
std::time_t dateTime = std::mktime(&dateTm);
std::time_t startDateTime = std::mktime(&startTm);
std::time_t endDateTime = std::mktime(&endTm);
return dateTime >= startDateTime && dateTime <= endDateTime;
catch (const std::runtime_error& e)
// Log or handle parsing errors
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return false; // or true depending on how you want to handle parsing failures
// Handler for the getBooks endpoint
void BookController::getBooks(const drogon::HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function<void(const drogon::HttpResponsePtr&)>&& callback)
auto queryParams = req->getParameters();
int limit = -1;
int offset = 0;
if (queryParams.find("limit") != queryParams.end())
limit = std::stoi("limit"));
if (queryParams.find("offset") != queryParams.end())
offset = std::stoi("offset"));
std::string bookID;
std::string title;
std::string authors;
std::string avgRating;
std::string numPages;
std::string publicationDate;
std::string publisher;
std::string isbn;
std::string isbn13;
std::string languageCode;
if (queryParams.find("bookID") != queryParams.end())
bookID ="bookID");
if (queryParams.find("authors") != queryParams.end())
authors ="authors");
if (queryParams.find("title") != queryParams.end())
title ="title");
if (queryParams.find("publisher") != queryParams.end())
publisher ="publisher");
if (queryParams.find("publicationDate") != queryParams.end())
publicationDate ="publicationDate");
if (queryParams.find("numPages") != queryParams.end())
numPages ="numPages");
if (queryParams.find("avgRating") != queryParams.end())
avgRating ="avgRating");
if (queryParams.find("isbn") != queryParams.end())
isbn ="isbn");
if (queryParams.find("isbn13") != queryParams.end())
isbn13 ="isbn13");
if (queryParams.find("languageCode") != queryParams.end())
languageCode ="languageCode");
auto books = readBooksFromCSV(limit, offset);
Json::Value jsonBooks(Json::arrayValue);
for (const auto& book : books)
bool matches = true;
if (!bookID.empty() && book.bookID != bookID)
matches = false;
if (!title.empty() && book.title != title)
matches = false;
if (!authors.empty() && book.authors != authors)
matches = false;
if (!avgRating.empty() && book.avgRating != avgRating)
matches = false;
if (!isbn.empty() && book.isbn != isbn)
matches = false;
if (!isbn13.empty() && book.isbn13 != isbn13)
matches = false;
if (!languageCode.empty() && book.languageCode != languageCode)
matches = false;
if (!numPages.empty() && book.numPages != numPages)
matches = false;
if (!publisher.empty() && book.publisher != publisher)
matches = false;
if (!publicationDate.empty() && book.publicationDate != publicationDate)
matches = false;
if (matches)
Json::Value jsonBook;
jsonBook["bookID"] = book.bookID;
jsonBook["title"] = book.title;
jsonBook["authors"] = book.authors;
jsonBook["avgRating"] = book.avgRating;
jsonBook["isbn"] = book.isbn;
jsonBook["isbn13"] = book.isbn13;
jsonBook["languageCode"] = book.languageCode;
jsonBook["numPages"] = book.numPages;
jsonBook["ratingsCount"] = book.ratingsCount;
jsonBook["textReviewsCount"] = book.textReviewsCount;
jsonBook["publicationDate"] = book.publicationDate;
jsonBook["publisher"] = book.publisher;
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpJsonResponse(jsonBooks);
catch (const std::exception& e)
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
// Handler for the filterBooks endpoint
void BookController::filterBooks(const drogon::HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function<void(const drogon::HttpResponsePtr&)>&& callback)
auto queryParams = req->getParameters();
std::string startDate;
std::string endDate;
std::string sortOrder = "ASC"; // Default to ascending
if (queryParams.find("startDate") != queryParams.end())
startDate ="startDate");
if (queryParams.find("endDate") != queryParams.end())
endDate ="endDate");
if (queryParams.find("sortOrder") != queryParams.end())
sortOrder ="sortOrder");
auto books = readBooksFromCSV(); // Read all books
Json::Value jsonBooks(Json::arrayValue);
for (const auto& book : books)
bool matches = true;
if (!startDate.empty() && !endDate.empty() && !dateInRange(book.publicationDate, startDate, endDate))
matches = false;
if (matches)
Json::Value jsonBook;
jsonBook["bookID"] = book.bookID;
jsonBook["title"] = book.title;
jsonBook["authors"] = book.authors;
jsonBook["avgRating"] = book.avgRating;
jsonBook["isbn"] = book.isbn;
jsonBook["isbn13"] = book.isbn13;
jsonBook["languageCode"] = book.languageCode;
jsonBook["numPages"] = book.numPages;
jsonBook["ratingsCount"] = book.ratingsCount;
jsonBook["textReviewsCount"] = book.textReviewsCount;
jsonBook["publicationDate"] = book.publicationDate;
jsonBook["publisher"] = book.publisher;
// Sort books by publication date
std::vector<Json::Value> sortedBooks(jsonBooks.begin(), jsonBooks.end());
std::sort(sortedBooks.begin(), sortedBooks.end(), [sortOrder](const Json::Value& a, const Json::Value& b) {
std::tm aTm = {};
std::tm bTm = {};
std::istringstream ssA(a["publicationDate"].asString());
std::istringstream ssB(b["publicationDate"].asString());
ssA >> std::get_time(&aTm, "%m/%d/%Y");
ssB >> std::get_time(&bTm, "%m/%d/%Y");
std::time_t aTime = std::mktime(&aTm);
std::time_t bTime = std::mktime(&bTm);
return (sortOrder == "ASC") ? (aTime < bTime) : (aTime > bTime);
Json::Value jsonSortedBooks(Json::arrayValue);
for (const auto& book : sortedBooks)
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpJsonResponse(jsonSortedBooks);
catch (const std::exception& e)
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
// Handler for the addBook endpoint
void BookController::addBook(const drogon::HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function<void(const drogon::HttpResponsePtr&)>&& callback)
auto json = req->getJsonObject();
if (!json)
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
resp->setBody("Invalid JSON format");
// Read existing books
auto books = readBooksFromCSV();
// Determine the new bookID
int newID = 1;
if (!books.empty())
auto lastBook = std::max_element(books.begin(), books.end(), [](const Book& a, const Book& b) {
return std::stoi(a.bookID) < std::stoi(b.bookID);
newID = std::stoi(lastBook->bookID) + 1;
std::string newBookID = std::to_string(newID);
// Create new book with the unique bookID
Book book;
book.bookID = newBookID;
book.title = json->get("title", "").asString();
book.authors = json->get("authors", "").asString();
book.avgRating = json->get("avgRating", "").asString();
book.isbn = json->get("isbn", "").asString();
book.isbn13 = json->get("isbn13", "").asString();
book.languageCode = json->get("languageCode", "").asString();
book.numPages = json->get("numPages", "").asString();
book.ratingsCount = json->get("ratingsCount", "").asString();
book.textReviewsCount = json->get("textReviewsCount", "").asString();
book.publicationDate = json->get("publicationDate", "").asString();
book.publisher = json->get("publisher", "").asString();
// Add the new book to the end of the list
// Write the updated books list to the CSV file
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
resp->setBody("Book added successfully with ID: " + newBookID);
catch (const std::exception& e)
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
// Handler for the updateBook endpoint
void BookController::updateBook(const drogon::HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function<void(const drogon::HttpResponsePtr&)>&& callback)
auto json = req->getJsonObject();
if (!json)
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
resp->setBody("Invalid JSON format");
// Extract bookID from the URL path
std::string path = req->getPath();
std::string bookID = path.substr(path.find_last_of('/') + 1);
if (bookID.empty())
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
resp->setBody("Book ID is required");
// Read existing books
auto books = readBooksFromCSV();
// Find the book to update
auto it = std::find_if(books.begin(), books.end(), [&bookID](const Book& book) {
return book.bookID == bookID;
if (it != books.end())
// Update the book details with the provided data
if (json->isMember("title")) it->title = json->get("title", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("authors")) it->authors = json->get("authors", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("avgRating")) it->avgRating = json->get("avgRating", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("isbn")) it->isbn = json->get("isbn", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("isbn13")) it->isbn13 = json->get("isbn13", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("languageCode")) it->languageCode = json->get("languageCode", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("numPages")) it->numPages = json->get("numPages", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("ratingsCount")) it->ratingsCount = json->get("ratingsCount", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("textReviewsCount")) it->textReviewsCount = json->get("textReviewsCount", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("publicationDate")) it->publicationDate = json->get("publicationDate", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("publisher")) it->publisher = json->get("publisher", "").asString();
// Write updated books list to CSV
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
resp->setBody("Book updated successfully");
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
resp->setBody("Book not found");
catch (const std::exception& e)
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
// Check if a book with the given ID exists
bool BookController::bookExists(const std::string& bookID)
auto books = readBooksFromCSV();
return std::any_of(books.begin(), books.end(), [&bookID](const Book& book) {
return book.bookID == bookID;
// Handler for the deleteBook endpoint
void BookController::deleteBook(const drogon::HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function<void(const drogon::HttpResponsePtr&)>&& callback)
// Extract bookID from the URL path
std::string path = req->getPath();
std::string bookID = path.substr(path.find_last_of('/') + 1);
if (bookID.empty())
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
resp->setBody("Book ID is required");
// Read existing books
auto books = readBooksFromCSV();
// Find and remove the book with the given bookID
auto it = std::remove_if(books.begin(), books.end(), [&bookID](const Book& book) {
return book.bookID == bookID;
if (it != books.end())
// Erase the removed book from the vector
books.erase(it, books.end());
// Write updated books list to CSV
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
resp->setBody("Book deleted successfully");
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
resp->setBody("Book not found");
catch (const std::exception& e)
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
// Handler for the putBook endpoint
void BookController::putBook(const drogon::HttpRequestPtr& req, std::function<void(const drogon::HttpResponsePtr&)>&& callback)
auto json = req->getJsonObject();
if (!json)
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
resp->setBody("Invalid JSON format");
// Extract bookID from the URL path
std::string path = req->getPath();
std::string bookID = path.substr(path.find_last_of('/') + 1);
if (bookID.empty())
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
resp->setBody("Book ID is required");
// Read existing books
auto books = readBooksFromCSV();
// Find the book to update
auto it = std::find_if(books.begin(), books.end(), [&bookID](const Book& book) {
return book.bookID == bookID;
if (it != books.end())
// Update the book details with the provided data
if (json->isMember("title")) it->title = json->get("title", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("authors")) it->authors = json->get("authors", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("avgRating")) it->avgRating = json->get("avgRating", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("isbn")) it->isbn = json->get("isbn", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("isbn13")) it->isbn13 = json->get("isbn13", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("languageCode")) it->languageCode = json->get("languageCode", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("numPages")) it->numPages = json->get("numPages", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("ratingsCount")) it->ratingsCount = json->get("ratingsCount", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("textReviewsCount")) it->textReviewsCount = json->get("textReviewsCount", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("publicationDate")) it->publicationDate = json->get("publicationDate", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("publisher")) it->publisher = json->get("publisher", "").asString();
// Create a new book if it does not exist
Book newBook;
newBook.bookID = bookID;
if (json->isMember("title")) newBook.title = json->get("title", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("authors")) newBook.authors = json->get("authors", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("avgRating")) newBook.avgRating = json->get("avgRating", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("isbn")) newBook.isbn = json->get("isbn", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("isbn13")) newBook.isbn13 = json->get("isbn13", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("languageCode")) newBook.languageCode = json->get("languageCode", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("numPages")) newBook.numPages = json->get("numPages", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("ratingsCount")) newBook.ratingsCount = json->get("ratingsCount", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("textReviewsCount")) newBook.textReviewsCount = json->get("textReviewsCount", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("publicationDate")) newBook.publicationDate = json->get("publicationDate", "").asString();
if (json->isMember("publisher")) newBook.publisher = json->get("publisher", "").asString();
// Write updated books list to CSV
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
resp->setBody("Book updated or added successfully");
catch (const std::exception& e)
auto resp = drogon::HttpResponse::newHttpResponse();
Once completed you can check the port in which your application will run from config.json file.
After all of the process is complete build and run the app.
Congratulations! You have successfully created your first C++ API. If you want more of these contents don't forget to follow me on:
Top comments (2)
Awesome article! Thanks a ton for sharing this. I really enjoyed it!
Great. Everyone should give a try.