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Discussion on: Code camp or self-learning

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Jeff • Edited

I learned to code through a traditional 4 year degree in computer science. A lot of time was spent alongside the theoretical mathy stuff learned in CS, along with practicing code on my own time, cause you can only learn so much from HW.

I currently attend a coding bootcamp to supplement things I didn't learn in CS like full stack web development. One thing I notice is that a lot of people who attend camps without formal knowledge in computer science, struggle grasping concepts like data structres and algorithms. This is where I believe self teaching comes in because you can be taught how to code, but without knowledge in cs fundamentals you're left writing pretty inefficient code. Bootcamps don't really give in depth lectures and assignments in data structures and algorithms as they tend to be fast track & straightforward. (At least mines is)

I suggest taking the time to learn these things in detail on your own time to supplement bootcamp material. Corsera and are great places to catch up on things data structures and algos. This added knowledge can greatly improve how you think about code and how you devise elegant, efficient solutions.

Also, youtube channels like CodingTech are great as well, and HackerRank has good challenges for fundamentals.