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Discussion on: Simple trick to instance a class without `new`.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

I know thats the problem, they are not idiomatic. I tend to write libraries, lots of libraries and I always want to give the best experience for developers, usually thats why my libraries never get finished. So I do usually avoid magic, the thing is I am doing code generation via typescript and reflection and so I needed to do this stuff.

class codegen {
  @glsl drawCircle(a: float, b: float, c: vec2): float {
    return 0;

  @glsl drawTri(a: float): vec2 {
    return [];

  el: "#app",
  coorinate: "px",
  frag(gl) {
  vert(gl) {

    gl.main(() => {
      gl.drawCircle(1, 2, 3);
  state: {
    color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 255)
  watch: {
    foo: ({ value }: { value: any }) => {
      console.log("oh hey!", value);

The above code is a snippet from my abstraction over Regl, I am attempting to create a reactive webgl framework in the style of Vue.js.

arqex profile image
Javier Marquez

Reactive webgl, that sounds like a great idea! I hope you share it!

I completely see the point of reflection within libraries, abstracting their "magic" from the developers that use them and offering features that weren't possible before.

I struggled when I use reflection for the business logic... I just won't do it anymore :D