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Discussion on: Why I'm learning BSL. ✊

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

There's a book called my first signs with an
ISBN 978-1-904550-04-4

Google that and you should see an illustrated book that's sort of like a soundboard only it's a book and in sign. We sort of just started doing a new sign every day only when he wanted to and preferably when he was around the thing we where teaching him. If nothing else he sometimes uses to book to point at what he wants to get biscuits and use the toilet etc.

I'm still growing so I can't tell you exactly how it worked but it sort of just happened, my partner and I where fully committed so that helped and we use the app 'sign bsl' it's okay as an app but I'm sure you all could do a great job on something like this.

sandordargo profile image
Sandor Dargo

Thanks so much, I'm going to check this out.