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Tech Stack for Taxi App Development: A Useful Guide for Developers

A tech stack is a combination of programming languages, tools, and frameworks used to build websites and applications. It occurs when a layer of an app (front end or back end) is made atop the another using codes and hardware modules. When developing a taxi application, you should choose the best taxi app technology stack. Also, you should stay flexible and be ready to change your tech stack over time. For example, Uber, a successful on-demand taxi app startup, has changed its tech stack since it’s inception. That said, here are the technical aspects for building a taxi application that is sustainable, scalable, and secure.

Geolocation Technology

Location services are an integral part of any taxi application. They enable customers to locate taxis and drivers to find their passengers. To develop a device’s location feature for your app, you will need Core Location Framework for iOS and Google’s Location APIs for Android. As far as navigation is concerned, there is MapKit for iOS and Android Google Maps Android API for Android.

Notifications: Email, Push, and SMS

Frequent alerts for both drivers and passengers are essential for any taxi application. Today, these alerts can either be push notifications, SMS, or email. If you are developing for Android, you will need Google Cloud Messaging to enable push notifications. And, for iOS, the tool to use is Apple Push Notification Service.

Inter Application Communication

Taxi applications should be connected to allow communication between drivers’ and customers’ devices. Two apps can communicate using Wi-Fi or mobile data, and make it possible to perform such operations as booking a taxi, determining the location, route monitoring, pricing, chat messaging, etc.

Cashless Payment System

Payment is perhaps the most crucial aspect of an Uber tech stack. The most popular card payment gateways for cab apps are Stripe (used by Lyft) and Braintree (used by Uber). These payment services are convenient for taxi app startups because they support multiple currencies, cryptocurrency (Bitcoin), split fare, and a variety of payment options (PayPal, American Express, Apple Pay, Android Pay, etc.).

Storage & App Infrastructure

For the front-end and back-end services to interact and coordinate efficiently, taxi app developers must put together a fully-functioning ecosystem. Database systems like SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. can be used to store app data. Tools for other development processes include:

• Inventory management: Clusto
• Searching & visualizations: Logstash
• Distributed storage: Hadoop Warehouse
• Caching & Queuing: Twenproxy
• Long-term data storage: Riak, Schemaless

Website & Mobile

You will need to build on-demand web and mobile taxi apps to meet the different needs of internet users. Each web app will require a database, client-side, and server-side. The best languages to select here are Java, CSS/HTML, Python, or Node.js. The programs and tools you will need for each platform will differ as below:

For iOS:
• Backend: MySQL & Schemaless
• Storage: LevelDB
• Repository: Buck
• Crash detection: KSCrash
• Testing: OCMock

For Android:
• Architecture: RxJava
• Automation coding: Expresso
• Logging: Timber
• Image loading: Picasso
• Networking: Gson, OkHttp

Final Words

When you implement all the mentioned components and use the right programs, languages, and tools, you will get a great site or app for on-demand taxi services. Clarify the design and requirement for the app you are about to create, choose a convenient coding language, and use this stack as a checklist.

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