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Discussion on: JavaScript OR Assignment Operator

acroynon profile image
Adam Roynon

Yeah, you're correct, it is a "falsely" value that is evaluated, I didn't want to make this post too complicated, but great to mention this for the curious readers. Thanks

I am not sure what you mean by "??" operator, I have written a post on the ternary operator and I plan to write a post about the optional chaining operator ('?.') in the future.

stefanovualto profile image

Here is the related documentation:

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acroynon profile image
Adam Roynon

Thanks, it seems like a more strict version of the OR assignment operator. Perhaps I shall create a post comparing the two

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stefanovualto profile image

I think that you should point out the differences between falsy values (cf. and null/undefined checks (with ??). I think that will add value to your post.

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acroynon profile image
Adam Roynon

I think I shall leave this post as it is for now and cover the falsy values and the coalescing operator in separate posts, thank you for the feedback and ideas

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stefanovualto profile image
stefanovualto • Edited

Up to you, I just recommend you to be careful with the terms that you use in your post and in my opinion it is a good to support your posts with official references.

For example you function:

function getNotNull(a, b){

Doesn't work if you pass to it a falsy value like 0 or an empty string.

By being not precise you will assume wrong things (I have been there so many times, and it is still happening).

I would recommend the "you don't know js" by Kyle Simpson (@getify ), to expand your knowledge.

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acroynon profile image
Adam Roynon

Thanks for all the feedback. My plan isn't to fill every post with all the detail needed, at least not right now (I don't have the time to put that much time into each post). I mainly want to encourage people to begin to learn how to code, or experiment with something they haven't used before. I don't admit to knowing everything, but I don't want to overload the reader with too much information that reduces their interest in code. Again, thank you for all the feedback, I super appreciate it and I guarantee some readers will benefit from some of the links you've posted.