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Introducing ESTSSH, the configurationless static website generator

Hey fellow developers,

I wanted to share an exciting new tool I recently built. It's called ESTSSG (EJs, SAAS, Tailwind Static Site Generator). If you're tired of dealing with complex configurations and just want a simple way to generate static websites, then ESTSSG might be the perfect solution for you.

ESTSSG takes a refreshing approach by eliminating the need for extensive setup or configuration files. With just a single command, "npx estssg," you can start generating static websites with ease. It's a game-changer for developers who prefer a more straightforward workflow.

With ESTSSG, you can structure your website files in the src/ directory, placing your EJS templates, SCSS files, and other assets there. The generator then compiles these files and outputs the optimized static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files in the dest/ directory. No complex configuration files or boilerplate code required – just pure simplicity.

One of the standout features of ESTSSG is its built-in local development server. When you run the command, it not only generates your static website but also starts a local server for previewing your changes. And here's the cherry on top – it supports live reloading! Any modifications you make to your source files trigger an automatic refresh in the browser. Talk about seamless development!

Using ESTSSG is as easy as pie:

  1. Install Node.js if you haven't already.
  2. Open your terminal and run npx estssg.
  3. Create your website files in the src/ directory.
  4. Watch as ESTSSG compiles your files and generates the static website in the dest/ directory.
  5. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:8080 to view your website.
  6. Make changes to your source files, and ESTSSG will handle the rest – recompiling and refreshing the browser for you.
  7. Once you're satisfied with your website, deploy the contents of the dest/ directory to your web server.

ESTSSG offers a configurationless experience, but that doesn't mean you're limited in customization. You can tweak the EJS templates, SCSS files, and other assets in the src/ directory to match your specific requirements. If you're feeling adventurous, dive into the ESTSSG documentation and source code to explore advanced modifications.

So, if you've been searching for a simple, configurationless static website generator, ESTSSG is here to save the day. Give it a try and experience the joy of effortless static website development. Say goodbye to complex configurations and hello to productivity!

If you have any questions or would like to share any feedback, tell me. I'm all ears


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