DEV Community

Discussion on: Tips on how to start a Blog?

achie72 profile image
Tóth Béla

To be honest, I tried to do it on a few platforms but in the end I settled for Ko-fi. It has everything you need for a blog to thrive, the communitiy is awesome and has a lot of inbuilt things if you want to expand what you do on your blog. Commisions, shops, supporting features like Patreon (while not taking any fee). Their text editor is a bit simple but for a blog it does everything. My only gripe with it is the lack of Markdown support but I can live with that.

Also as @mrdulin said, you can just setup a GitHub Repository but instead of issues I'd use the new Discoussion tabs like this for ex. It already has it's own structure reminicent of forums and there are a lot of pre-made GitHub Actions on the internet, i'm pretty sure there is one that will generate a site for you out of your Discussion posts. Or you can DIY it.

Or just create your own website, store it in your repository and host it on GitHub Pages from there!