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MoustY MaineR👨🏾‍💻
MoustY MaineR👨🏾‍💻

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Undoing a Git Push: How to Revert Changes Made by a Push

Git is a powerful version control system used by developers to manage their codebase. One of the key features of Git is the ability to push changes to a remote repository, making it easy to collaborate with others. However, sometimes we may accidentally push changes that we didn't intend to. In such cases, it becomes necessary to undo the push and revert back to the previous state. In this article, we will discuss the steps involved in undoing a Git push with all the changes made by the push.

Step 1: Identify the commit to revert

The first step in undoing a Git push is to identify the commit that you want to revert back to. This can be done using the git log command, which displays a list of all the commits in your repository. You can use the arrow keys to navigate through the list, and press q to exit the log view.

Alternatively, you can use a Git client such as GitKraken, Sourcetree, or GitHub Desktop to view your commit history in a graphical interface.

Step 2: Revert the commit

Once you have identified the commit that you want to revert back to, the next step is to revert the commit. This can be done using the git revert command. The git revert command creates a new commit that undoes the changes made by the previous commit. The syntax for the git revert command is as follows:

git revert <commit>
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git revert
Replace with the hash of the commit that you want to revert.

Step 3: Push the revert commit

After you have reverted the commit, the next step is to push the revert commit to the remote repository. This can be done using the git push command. The syntax for the git push command is as follows:

git push <remote> <branch>
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Replace with the name of the remote repository, and with the name of the branch that you want to push to.

Step 4: Verify the revert

Once you have pushed the revert commit to the remote repository, the final step is to verify that the revert was successful. You can do this by checking the commit history on the remote repository, or by pulling the changes to your local repository and checking the files.

By following these steps, you can easily revert back to a previous state and undo any unintended changes. It is important to note that undoing a Git push can have consequences if other developers have already pulled the changes. Therefore, it is recommended to communicate with your team before reverting any changes.

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