DEV Community

Abiade Aminat
Abiade Aminat

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UX Design Principle

UX Design is the process of creating a product or services that solves a user problem while ensuring that the proposed solution is easy and enjoyable to use.

UX Design principles are principles that guides the design of a software products.

As a designer, you must align your work with this principles to ensure that you create designs that are easy to use and understand as well as aesthetically pleasing to everyone.

User- Centricity : The purpose of UX design is to create a product or services that can solve a user problem. Users — centricity means putting the user needs first and focusing on their needs by considering their story, emotions and insights.

Hierarchy : Hierarchy refers to how a content or information is organized throughout a design. It helps users to navigate easily on a page.

Consistency : Designers should follow standards and use consistent concept throughout a product in terms of how they look and function across all pages/screens. This allows users navigate easily on your product .

User Control : This means giving users control over how the interact with a product. It means that users should be giving the ability to control or reverse errors, allow users to redo, undo and cancel an action made .

Accessibility : This means ensuring that you are designing for everyone. You have to ensure that your product or service are accessible and usable to as many people as possible by considering people with disabilities. Your color should be of high contrast and the text should be legible enough for people with visual impairments.

Usability : Designers should ensure that their product or website is easy to use. First time users should be able to navigate easy without problem on the product.

Visibility of System Status : Users should receive a feedback after they are done with an action. You should provide users with information about what is happening, do not leave users in the dark.

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