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Cover image for Building an Easybank Landing Page with React
Abhishek Gurjar
Abhishek Gurjar

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Building an Easybank Landing Page with React


In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the development of a modern and visually appealing landing page for a fictional digital banking service, Easybank, using React. This project showcases essential React components and CSS styling to create a responsive and interactive user interface.

Project Overview

The Easybank landing page features a clean and modern design with a focus on simplicity and user engagement. The page is divided into several key sections:

  • Navbar: Provides navigation links and a request invite button.
  • Home: Displays a hero section with a compelling headline and a call-to-action button.
  • About: Highlights the key features of Easybank with attractive icons and descriptions.
  • Blog: Showcases the latest articles related to the banking service.
  • Footer: Contains social media links, company information, and a request invite button.


  • Responsive Design: The layout adapts to various screen sizes, ensuring a consistent experience across devices.
  • Interactive Components: Hover effects and clickable elements enhance user interaction.
  • Modern Aesthetics: Utilizes a minimalist color scheme and clean typography.

Technologies Used

  • React: For building the component-based user interface.
  • CSS: For styling and responsive design.

Project Structure

The project is organized into the following components:

  1. App.js: Main component that renders all other components.
  2. Navbar.js: Contains the navigation bar.
  3. Home.js: Displays the hero section of the landing page.
  4. About.js: Provides information about the features of Easybank.
  5. Blog.js: Lists recent articles.
  6. Footer.js: Displays social media links and company information.
  7. App.css: Stylesheet for the project.


To get started with this project, clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies:

git clone
cd easybank-landing-page
npm install
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


To run the project locally, use the following command:

npm start
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This will start the development server and open the application in your default web browser.

Code Explanation

Here’s a brief overview of the main components:

  • App.js:
 import "./App.css";
import Navbar from "./components/Navbar";
import About from "./components/About";
import Blog from "./components/Blog";
import Footer from "./components/Footer";
import Home from "./components/Home";

const App = () => {
  return (
      <Navbar />
      <Home />
      <About />
      <Blog />
      <Footer />

export default App;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This is the main component that renders all the sections of the landing page.

  • Navbar.js:
  import logo from "../assets/images/logo.svg";

  const Navbar = () => {
    return (
      <div className='navbar'>
        <img className='logo' src={logo} alt="Easybank logo" />
        <div className="header">
          <a href="#">Home</a>
          <a href="#">About</a>
          <a href="#">Contact</a>
          <a href="#">Blog</a>
          <a href="#">Careers</a>
        <button className='request-btn'>Request Invite</button>

  export default Navbar;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The Navbar component provides navigation links and a button for requesting an invite.

  • Home.js:
  import phoneImage from "../assets/images/image-mockups.png" 

const Home = () => {
  return (
    <div className="home">
      <div className="home-text">
        <h1>Next generation <br /> digital  banking</h1>
          Take your financial life online. Your Easybank account will be a
          one-stop-shop for spending, saving, budgeting, investing, and much
        <button className="request-btn" id="btn-home" >Request Invite</button>
      <div className="home-image">
      <div className="home-bg-image">
        <img className="phone-image" src={phoneImage} alt="" />

export default Home;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The Home component showcases the primary call-to-action and an image mockup.

  • About.js:
  import bankingImage from "../assets/images/icon-online.svg";
  import onboardingImage from "../assets/images/icon-onboarding.svg";
  import apiImage from "../assets/images/icon-api.svg";

  const About = () => {
    return (
      <div className="about">
        <div className="about-first">
          <h1 className="about-title">Why choose Easybank?</h1>
            We leverage Open Banking to turn your bank account into your financial
            hub. Control your finances like never before.
        <div className="about-second">
          <div className="card">
            <img src={bankingImage} alt="Online Banking" />
            <h1>Online Banking</h1>
              Our modern web and mobile applications allow you to keep track of
              your finances wherever you are in the world.
          <div className="card">
            <img src={bankingImage} alt="Simple Budgeting" />
            <h1>Simple Budgeting</h1>
              See exactly where your money goes each month. Receive notifications
              when you’re close to hitting your limits.
          <div className="card">
            <img src={onboardingImage} alt="Fast Onboarding" />
            <h1>Fast Onboarding</h1>
              We don’t do branches. Open your account in minutes online and start
              taking control of your finances right away.
          <div className="card">
            <img src={apiImage} alt="Open API" />
            <h1>Open API</h1>
              Manage your savings, investments, pension, and much more from one
              account. Tracking your money has never been easier.

  export default About;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The About component highlights the key features of Easybank with descriptive cards.

  • Blog.js:
 import blog1Image from "../assets/images/image-currency.jpg";
import blog2Image from "../assets/images/image-restaurant.jpg";
import blog3Image from "../assets/images/image-plane.jpg";
import blog4Image from "../assets/images/image-confetti.jpg";

const Blog = () => {
  const blogData = [
      image: blog1Image,
      author: "Claire Robinson",
      title: "Receive money in any currency with no fees",
        "The world is getting smaller and we’re becoming more mobile. So why should you be forced to only receive money in a single...",
      image: blog2Image,
      author: "Wilson Hutton",
      title: "Treat yourself without worrying about money",
        "Our simple budgeting feature allows you to separate out your spending and set realistic limits each month. That means you...",
      image: blog3Image,
      author: "Wilson Hutton",
      title: "Take your Easybank card wherever you go",
        "We want you to enjoy your travels. This is why we don’t charge any fees on purchases while you’re abroad. We’ll even show you...",
      image: blog4Image,
      author: "Claire Robinson",
      title: "Our invite-only Beta accounts are now live!",
        "After a lot of hard work by the whole team, we’re excited to launch our closed beta. It’s easy to request an invite through the site...",

  return (
    <div className="blog">
      <div className="blog-title">
        <h2>Latest Articles</h2>
      <div className="articles">
        {, index) => (
          <div className="blog-card" key={index}>
            <img src={blog.image} alt={blog.title} />
            <p>By {}</p>

export default Blog;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The Blog component displays recent articles with images and brief descriptions.

  • Footer.js:
  import Logo from "../assets/images/logo.svg";
import fb from "../assets/images/icon-facebook.svg";
import yt from "../assets/images/icon-youtube.svg";
import tw from "../assets/images/icon-twitter.svg";
import pt from "../assets/images/icon-pinterest.svg";
import ig from "../assets/images/icon-instagram.svg";
const Footer = () => {
  return (
    <div className="footer">
      <div className="logos">
        <img src={Logo} alt="" />
        <div className="social-logo">
          <a href="">
            <img src={fb} alt="" />
          <a href="">
            <img src={yt} alt="" />
          <a href="">
            <img src={tw} alt="" />
          <a href="">
            <img src={pt} alt="" />
          <a href="">
            <img src={ig} alt="" />
      <div className="aboutus">
        <a href="">About Us</a>
        <a href="">Contact</a>
        <a href="">Blog</a>
      <div className="carrers">
        <a href="">Careers</a>
        <a href="">Support</a>
        <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>
      <div className="invite">
        <div className="request-btn">Request Invite</div>
        <p>© Easybank. All rights reserved.</p>
        <p>Made with ❤️ by Abhishek Gurjar</p>

export default Footer;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The Footer component includes navigation links, social media icons, and company information.

Live Demo

You can view the live demo of the Easybank landing page here.


Creating a landing page with React allows for the development of a modular and maintainable codebase. By structuring components effectively and utilizing modern CSS techniques, you can create a visually appealing and functional webpage. I hope this guide helps you in your journey to mastering React and building impressive web projects.



Abhishek Gurjar is a dedicated web developer passionate about creating practical and functional web applications. Check out more of his projects on GitHub.

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