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Abdul Rehman Nadeem
Abdul Rehman Nadeem

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PgAdmin4:Connecting to a Database Server

Connecting to a PostgreSQL database server is the first step in unleashing the power of pgAdmin 4. Here's a step-by-step guide on establishing a connection:

Step 1: Launch pgAdmin 4

After a successful installation, launch pgAdmin 4. You can access it through your web browser by navigating to the provided URL (usually http://localhost:5050).

Step 2: Add a Server

In the top-left corner, locate the "Add New Server" button. Click on it to open the server configuration window.

Step 3: General Settings

  • Name: Give your server a meaningful name for easy identification.
  • Connection: In the "Connection" tab, enter the connection details, including the host (usually localhost), port (default is 5432), and maintenance database (typically postgres).

Step 4: Connection Security

In the "Connection" tab, you'll find options for connection security. Depending on your setup, you may need to enter authentication details such as a username and password.

Step 5: Save and Connect

Click "Save" to save your server configuration. To establish a connection, select your server from the left sidebar and click the lightning icon or "Connect Server" from the context menu.

Step 6: Explore Your Database

Congratulations! You are now connected to your PostgreSQL database server. Explore the server dashboard to view databases, schemas, and other server-related information.

Remember, pgAdmin 4 allows you to manage multiple database servers seamlessly. Repeat these steps for each server you want to connect to, and you'll have a centralized location for overseeing all your PostgreSQL databases.

Stay tuned for the next section, where we'll dive into executing queries using the powerful Query Tool in pgAdmin 4!

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