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Short Version of A.I with PHP

In this article, I have covered the basics about how A.I with PHP works, what kind of benefits it has for you and your project, and some tips on how to use it in your daily life.

The short version of the article is that A.I with PHP is a programming language that allows you to create machine learning algorithms using pure PHP code while still maintaining an easy-to-understand workflow.

Like I said in my previous article , machine learning is the process of using artificial intelligence to learn about your data.

By using A.I with PHP , you can easily create machine learning algorithms for your website, your mobile app or any other app you create. And it will take you just a few hours to build them!

What are the Benefits?

Using A.I with PHP is definitely an easier way to implement machine learning into your project.

Before A.I with PHP, you had to know C++ programming language to create machine learning algorithms. And the only way to learn that was by going through hours and hours of online tutorials and maybe finding a good book for beginners.

But now, there's no need to be a programmer, and no need to learn C++!

All you need is:
A: Computer: Any computer with any operating system (as long as it has PHP installed)

If you want to use it on your website/mobile app, you can also download it from here: . It will then be available for you to install and start using it right away! Just open your command line and type:

$ wget -O ai-php.phar
After downloading it, you can test it out by typing:
$ php ai-php.phar play.php
And you should see this:
And here's the result of the first script we wrote: "Hello World" :) You can also run php play.php and other scripts to test other commands that you created, like: php startMuscleForcing() #Start muscle forcing code php play.


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