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Abdelrahman Mohamed Allam
Abdelrahman Mohamed Allam

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Simplifying Dependency Injection with the Service Container Pattern in ReactJS and Ruby on Rails

The Service Container pattern is a powerful design pattern that helps to organize and manage dependencies in a web application. This pattern is widely used in both ReactJS and Ruby on Rails applications to provide a centralized location for managing application services and to ensure that all components have access to the same set of services.

we'll explore the Service Container pattern in ReactJS and Ruby on Rails, and provide examples.

What is the Service Container pattern?

The Service Container pattern is a design pattern that provides a centralized location for managing application services. A service is a class or module that provides a specific functionality, such as authentication, database access, or email sending. By separating services from components, we can achieve greater separation of concerns and better maintainability of our codebase.

The Service Container pattern works by registering services with a central container, which can then be accessed by components as needed. This allows us to easily swap out services, add new services, or modify existing services without needing to modify individual components.

Implementing the Service Container pattern in ReactJS

In a ReactJS application, we can implement the Service Container pattern using a library such as react-ioc. This library provides a simple and lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container that can be used to manage application services. Github react-ioc

Here's an example of how we might use react-ioc in a car rental project:

import React from 'react';

import { Container } from 'react-ioc';

import RentalService from './services/RentalService';

import CarService from './services/CarService';

import AuthService from './services/AuthService';

function App() {

  return (


      <RentalService />

      <CarService />

      <AuthService />

      {/* ... */}




export default App;

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In this example, we're using react-ioc to create a container that registers three services: RentalService, CarService, and AuthService. These services can then be accessed by any components that are wrapped in the Container component.

For example, here's how we might use the RentalService in a component:

import React from 'react';

import { useService } from 'react-ioc';

function RentalList() {

  const rentalService = useService('RentalService');

  const rentals = rentalService.getRentals();

  return (


      { => (

        <li key={}>{}</li>





export default RentalList;

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In this example, we're using the useService hook from react-ioc to access the RentalService from within the RentalList component. This allows us to easily access the getRentals method of the RentalService and display a list of rentals.

Implementing the Service Container pattern in Ruby on Rails

In a Ruby on Rails application, we can implement the Service Container pattern using the built-in dependency injection framework provided by Rails. This framework allows us to easily register services and inject them into controllers, models, and views.

Here's an example of how we might use the Service Container pattern in a car rental project in Rails:

# app/services/rental_service.rb

class RentalService

  def get_rentals




# app/controllers/rentals_controller.rb

class RentalsController < ApplicationController

  def index

    @rental_service =

    @rentals = @rental_service.get_rentals



# app/views/rentals/index.html.erb


  <% @rentals.each do |rental| %>

    <li><%= %></li>

  <% end %>


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In this example, we're using the Service Container pattern to inject the RentalService into the RentalsController using constructor injection. We then use the get_rentals method of the RentalService to retrieve a list of rentals and pass them to the view for rendering.


The Service Container pattern is a powerful design pattern that helps to organize and manage dependencies in a web application. By using a centralized container to manage services, we can achieve greater separation of concerns and better maintainability of our codebase.

In this blog post, we've explored how to implement the Service Container pattern in both ReactJS and Ruby on Rails, using examples from a car rental project. Whether you're building a new application or refactoring an existing codebase, the Service Container pattern can help you to write cleaner, more maintainable code.

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