DEV Community

Abdallah Deeb
Abdallah Deeb

Posted on • Originally published at on

List IPs from CloudTrail events

A quick command to list the IPs from AWS CloudTrail events.

#!/bin/bash ACCESS\_KEY\_ID=AKIASMOETHINGHERE MAX\_ITEMS=100 aws cloudtrail lookup-events --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=AccessKeyId,AttributeValue=${ACCESS\_KEY\_ID} --max-items ${MAX\_ITEMS} \ | jq -r '.Events[].CloudTrailEvent' \ | jq '.sourceIPAddress' \ | sort | uniq

This of course can be extended to include more information, for example:

#!/bin/bash ACCESS\_KEY\_ID=AKIASMOETHINGHERE MAX\_ITEMS=100 aws cloudtrail lookup-events --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=AccessKeyId,AttributeValue=${ACCESS\_KEY\_ID} --max-items ${MAX\_ITEMS} \ | jq -r '.Events[].CloudTrailEvent' \ | jq '{ User: .userIdentity.userName, IP: .sourceIPAddress, Event: .eventName }'

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