DEV Community

Discussion on: 10 years as a professional developer.

aazerot0113 profile image

Thank you for sharing this information. It was really helpful and inspiring. I'm from Mexico, and I'm currently working looking for a job in the US. Could you give an advice of how can I land in a technology US job? Thank u.

hugaomarques profile image
Hugo Marques

When I was in Brazil I was already planning to immigrate to Canada. Because of that, I did all the courses and took the certifications I mentioned in the article. I don't think I was called to the hiring event exclusively because of those alone but due to the combined experiences and knowledge, I detailed at my resume.

Nowadays, I would focus on getting a bachelor degree in CS or display similar knowledge through projects, portfolio, bootcamp. I would practice CS fundamentals through problems at sites like freecodecamp and codewars. Finally, I would keep applying not only for the US but for other countries "easier" to get a VISA like Canada, Ireland or Germany. One mistake I did back in 2014 was that I didn't consider myself good enough to apply to companies outside of Brazil. Amazon showed me I was wrong. Maybe, if I had applied I could already be there in 2013 or sooner!
