DEV Community

Aaron McAdam
Aaron McAdam

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Embrace Change for Effective Remote Work

When real-time conversations and collaborative decision-making sessions are scarce, it's easy to hit roadblocks. Use these tips to adapt to a more productive approach to remote work:

  1. Harness Available Information: Make preliminary decisions based on the most current and relevant information you have.

  2. Action Over Deliberation: Instead of getting bogged down in lengthy discussions, take the initiative. Implement changes that you believe will work and demonstrate their value in a real context.

  3. Stay Adaptive: Revise your strategies and decisions as new information and insights emerge.

  4. Prioritise Flexibility: Keep your processes and thinking flexible to avoid getting stuck.

  5. Embrace Feedback: Be open to critique and new ideas after taking action. Constructive criticism and diverse viewpoints can help you refine your strategies and foster continuous improvement.

  6. Communicate Assumptions: When submitting your work, clearly the assumptions you made when completing it. This can facilitate more effective asynchronous feedback and help mitigate misunderstandings.

But what happens if reversing or changing course creates a lot of work?

Changing course in decision-making may create additional work initially, but it often leads to greater efficiency and improved results in the long run. Change doesn't always mean an overhaul; sometimes, it's about incremental adjustments. In dynamic decision-making, the temporary effort of adaptation is generally outweighed by the benefits of improved outcomes and effectiveness. This approach can make remote work more productive and rewarding.

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