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Microsoft Interview Preparation

Did you know that the average annual salary at Microsoft is almost INR 29.1 lakhs?

This estimated amount is based on the salaries received by various employees working in different sectors of the Microsoft corporation.

Hence, if you are interested in appearing for a coding interview with Microsoft, there are different study materials available both online and as hard copies where you can get highly accurate Microsoft Interview Questions.

During a Microsoft interview, be prepared to show how you qualified for the job by sharing concrete examples from your past or ideas about how you might accomplish a particular job.

This blog intends to shed light on how you can manage your prep for the Microsoft Interview, from coding arrays and binary trees to solving SQL practice problems.

We have discussed it all.

How to prepare for a Microsoft Interview?

First of all congratulations for getting selected for a Microsoft Interview! Microsoft is currently one of the top global organisations and it is definitely a big milestone for coders, programmers and people from other sectors to be considered worthy of working for this organisation.

Now, the key to having a successful interview with Microsoft is to make sure that you start preparing months ahead and leave absolutely no stone unturned.

From practicing mock tests to taking online guidance lessons from career counselors, you have to give your best input for getting the results that you are aiming for.

Be sure to share how the skills you've learned throughout your career are reflected in the positions you're interviewing for. Some jobs may ask you to write code, share your creative portfolio, or otherwise provide examples of your work.

In the meantime, let's take a look at what entails a Microsoft Coding Interview.

Interview process of Microsoft

Microsoft's interview process for software engineers is one of the toughest technical interviews. The interview will assess your programming and design skills including areas such as behavioral psychology and leadership.

The interview process for Microsoft is conducted in three different states:

HR interview screening

In this round, recruiters want to understand your professional skills, experience, and other relevant personal information. The main idea is to find out if your profile is suitable for the given role or not.

Telephonic Interview

This is a remote interview round which aims at screening suitable candidates for onsite interviews. The technical phone screen fundamentally tests your ability to solve core data structures and algorithm coding problems.In this round, core data structures present 1-2 coding problems.

The Technical Phone Screen takes approximately 30 minutes. If you are satisfied with your performance in the round, you will be invited to an onsite interview with Microsoft.

On-site Microsoft Interview

The onsite interview is the most important part of the Microsoft interview process. It consists of 3-4 rounds including coding, system design, and behavioral interviews, each lasting approximately 30 minutes.

If you start prepping for the Microsoft Interview today, we can guarantee that you will be able to cover the whole syllabus along with the coding questions in a maximum of two months.

Refer to the following pattern and concepts and start prepping for your Microsoft Interview today!

Prepping for the Microsoft Interview

Having a solid preparation strategy is very important if you want to crack a Microsoft interview. Here's a look at this Microsoft interview preparation plan for a strategic two-month period. This will ease your way through the grueling rounds of the Microsoft interview. So let's get started!

Data structures and algorithms

Start by brushing up on core data structure concepts. You can cover basic data structures and algorithmic concepts such as arrays, linked lists, strings, and sorting algorithms.

Practice at least 1-2 coding tasks each day. Developing problem-solving skills is key to mastering Microsoft's programming interviews. Identify patterns in coding problems and use similar solution patterns to tackle new problems.

Recursion and Dynamic Programming

Understanding advanced algorithms and data structure concepts in the next few weeks. Spend plenty of time solving trees, graphs, graph algorithms, recursion, and dynamic programming problems.

Continue to solve at least 1-2 coding problems every day. Be sure to solve problems of varying difficulty. It is highly recommended to solve medium to hard leet code problems. Start with timed tasks and regular tests to familiarize yourself with the interview environment.

Design Programming and API

Start preparing for your system design interview. It is highly recommended to spend at least two weeks preparing the critical design concept.

It covers key system design issues such as network protocols, database management, API modeling, server maintenance, sharding techniques, caching, and loading. Understanding the above concepts is critical to building scalable, low-latency systems.

FAANG hiring practice

Start practicing interviews with a FAANG hiring manager. Interview Kickstart provides a unique opportunity to practice multiple mock interviews with his current FAANG hiring manager, industry experts, domain experts, and experts with decades of experience.

Get constructive and actionable feedback that gives you a significant edge over your competitors.
If you're preparing for domain-specific interviews, Interview Kickstart provides a unique opportunity to practice domain-specific mock interviews with subject matter experts.

For example, if you are a backend developer, you can practice backend-specific mock interviews with backend industry experts.

With that, we have reached the end of discussion for how you can prepare for answering Microsoft Interview Questions with confidence and a positive demeanor.

"Believe and it will be", this is the mindset that you must have while heading for a Microsoft Interview.

On the other hand, if you are looking for syllabus and concepts that may come in handy for the Microsoft coding interview then you can start with the array questions, designing hashmaps, creating linked lists and solving SQL practice problems.

Winding Up

From Microsoft to TCS, the interview process for globally renowned tech organisations will always be stress inducing.

But, one of the best pieces of advice that we got from our guidance counselors is to learn all the nooks and crannies of the company so to answer the Microsoft Interview Questions with ease and convenience.

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