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Discussion on: Who's looking for open source contributors? (October 8th edition)

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Albert Alises

Been doing a lot of super small projects to get used with Web Developing (still learning) that need some testing, so feel free to contribute or pinpoint any issues!

aalises / hyperapp-google-invisible-recaptcha

A Hyperapp component that implements the Google invisible reCAPTCHA.


Greenkeeper badge

A Hyperapp component that implements the Google Invisible reCAPTCHA.



npm install hyperapp-google-invisible-recaptcha --save


The library consists of a component that instantiates an invisible reCAPTCHA and provides some functions for performing validation actions. The component is declared as:

import Recaptcha from 'react-google-invisible-recaptcha'
let recaptcha = null; //Stores a reference to the API functions
  onInstanceCreated={instance => recaptcha = instance}
  sitekey={ <sitekey> }
  onResolved={ () => console.log( 'Ah, I see you are human' ) } />


The component accepts the following props:

  • sitekey: sitekey for your reCAPTCHA. Required.
  • onResolved: callback function when the reCAPTCHA is resolved. Required.

Optional props that you can add to tweak the component.

  • locale: the language of the reCAPTCHA. Default: en.
  • badge: bottomright, bottomleft, or inline. Where the visual…

aalises / http-fetch-decorator

Simple Fetch interface http decorator wrapper for your functions.

HTTP Fetch Decorator

Simple Fetch interface decorator wrapper for your functions.

$ npm install http-fetch-decorator


Then you can place the decorator which has the same input structure as the fetch function. The parameters of the request or the data to send as a body are passed via arguments to the wrapped function, and the result and error objects are available as parameters of the function as well:

@Fetch(Url: String, initObj?: Object)
static wrappedFunction(params: Object, result? : Response, err? : any){

How to use it

import Fetch from "http-fetch-decorator"
class AnyES6Class {
  @Fetch("apiexample/getsomething", {method: 'GET',mode:'cors'})
  static parseResponse({id: '1'},result,err) {
    if(err) throw err
    //Result contains the Response

Also a few days ago I did this silly application that generates random KEXP/Boiler Room videos in React/Typescript/Parcel. Any contribution for improvement/bugs/features would be welcome :)

aalises / random-kexp-boiler-room

Application that generates a random KEXP Performance / Boiler Room Youtube Video.

Random KEXP / Boiler Room Session

This application generates a random KEXP Performance / Boiler Room Session Youtube Video. Discover new music! 🎵 Developed using React + Typescript + Parcel.

  • Build: npm run build, results are stored on the dist folder
  • Open the development server on localhost:4200 : npm run dev

You need to provide the Youtube API_KEY which you can obtain from the Google Developers page.

Random KEXP Session Screenshot