In the fast-paced world of tech, staying in the loop is essential. We've compiled a list of 12 LinkedIn tech content creators who are reshaping the industry.
From seasoned engineers to visionary leaders, these creators offer insights and expertise that can supercharge your professional journey. Ready to level up? Follow these tech influencers now.
As a software engineer, here are 12 creators I recommend to grow fast:
Raviraj Achar - Staff Eng (Become a tech lead)
LinkedIn: Raviraj AcharOmar Halabieh - Tech Director (Become a leader)
LinkedIn: Omar HalabiehIrina Stanescu - Staff Eng / Manager (Lead without authority)
LinkedIn: Irina StanescuRyan Peterman - Staff Engineer (Get promoted and grow)
LinkedIn: Ryan PetermanNeo K. - System Design Guru (Become a pro at System Design)
LinkedIn: Neo K.Ryan Murphy - Eng Manager (Learn what a badass manager looks like and how to grow through raw personal stories)
LinkedIn: Ryan MurphyGregor Ojstersek - CTO (Become a leader)
LinkedIn: Gregor OjstersekZach Wilson - Data Engineering Solopreneur & Staff Eng (Become a Data Engineer)
LinkedIn: Zach WilsonJohn Crickett - Software Architect (Become a better programmer)
LinkedIn: John CrickettCaleb Mellas - Senior Eng / Tech lead (Get promoted and grow)
LinkedIn: Caleb MellasNicola Ballotta - Eng Manager (Become a better eng manager and get ๐ฅ visuals)
LinkedIn: Nicola BallottaMads Brodt - Senior Eng / Frontend lead (Become solid at frontend)
LinkedIn: Mads Brodt
As we conclude this journey through the realms of tech insights and innovation, remember that the learning never stops. By following these 12 LinkedIn tech content creators, you've tapped into a wellspring of knowledge, experience, and inspiration.
Keep engaging, stay curious, and let the shared wisdom of these creators propel you forward. The tech landscape evolves, and so do you. Until our next exploration, happy learning and thriving in the ever-dynamic world of technology!
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