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あとやす / a_yasui
あとやす / a_yasui

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I setup to `fish-shell` for my default shell

I usually used to zsh as default shell between 5,6 years ago. And my .zshrc and .zshenv are very chaos. I think these are not good. I have two think. First: I clean up to .zshrc and .zshenv, Second: I change the shell. I choice Second think, change the shell. It is good to change the environ and I see fish-shell at sometime.

My machine is Mac OSX (10.15.6).

Install/Setup the shell

Simply !!

> brew install fish

Change the default shell

I try chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish . That was not work. Fish-shell is not default shell, Well so I add fish-shell path for /etc/shells.

> sudo sh -c 'echo /usr/local/bin/fish >> /etc/shells'
> tail -1 /etc/shells

One more try the chsh.

> chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish

Install Plugin -- autojump --

I always use autojump command. j work, j Docu, j Desk,... I setup to autojump.

> brew reinstall autojump

and I write Fish configure.

> echo '[ -f /usr/local/share/autojump/ ]; and source /usr/local/share/autojump/' >> ~/.config/fish/;


The fish-shell has theme-controll-plugin (Oh-MyFsh)[]

OK, I install.

> curl -L | fish

It's done! Well, So let's try install the some themes.

<~>-> omf i ocean
Updating master... Done!
Error: ocean already installed.
 ⚓  ~  

How do i change the font color?

I use to light terminal. So I did not see the commands.

I do to fish_config command And change the font color. This is Good :-)

Alt Text

I see these

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