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Ndeye Fatou Diop

Hi 👋🏽, I am a self-taught Senior Front-End Engineer. I share tips to help overwhelmed junior frontend developers build the confidence and expertise they need to reach the next level 😻🥳.


Senior Frontend Engineer

Four Year Club
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8 Week Community Wellness Streak
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4 Week Community Wellness Streak
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One Year Club
✨🧱 JavaScript Data Types: 27 Quick Questions You Need To Master

✨🧱 JavaScript Data Types: 27 Quick Questions You Need To Master

Comments 6
11 min read

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37 Tips from a Senior Frontend Developer

37 Tips from a Senior Frontend Developer

Comments 182
9 min read
🎉🌿 Back to Frontend Fundamentals: JavaScript Building Blocks

🎉🌿 Back to Frontend Fundamentals: JavaScript Building Blocks

Comments 3
4 min read
React: 5 Small (Yet Easily Fixable) Mistakes Junior Frontend Developers Make With React State

React: 5 Small (Yet Easily Fixable) Mistakes Junior Frontend Developers Make With React State

6 min read
10 Reasons Why You Should Never Use React Class Components 🙅‍♀️⛔️

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Use React Class Components 🙅‍♀️⛔️

6 min read
React: 5 Small (Yet Easily Fixable) Mistakes Junior Frontend Developers Make With React Refs

React: 5 Small (Yet Easily Fixable) Mistakes Junior Frontend Developers Make With React Refs

Comments 8
5 min read
This Is The Best Advanced React Book I’ve Ever Read

This Is The Best Advanced React Book I’ve Ever Read

Comments 2
2 min read
5 Small (Yet Easily Fixable) Mistakes Junior Frontend Developers Make With React Memoization

5 Small (Yet Easily Fixable) Mistakes Junior Frontend Developers Make With React Memoization

Comments 4
3 min read
10 Things I Wish Someone Had Sat Me Down and Told Me Before My First Software Engineering Job

10 Things I Wish Someone Had Sat Me Down and Told Me Before My First Software Engineering Job

3 min read
How the "The Three Little Pigs" Story Helped Me Become A Better Frontend Developer

How the "The Three Little Pigs" Story Helped Me Become A Better Frontend Developer

2 min read
The Single Most Important Lesson I’ve Learned Working As A Software Engineer For 5+ Years

The Single Most Important Lesson I’ve Learned Working As A Software Engineer For 5+ Years

Comments 2
2 min read
Something Weird Most Aspiring Junior Developers Don’t Know About Big Tech Companies

Something Weird Most Aspiring Junior Developers Don’t Know About Big Tech Companies

2 min read
1 Habit All Underperforming Junior Frontend Developers Have In Common 🙈

1 Habit All Underperforming Junior Frontend Developers Have In Common 🙈

1 min read
1 Tip I Would Give to Every Junior Developer Who Wants To Land A Role At A Big Tech Company

1 Tip I Would Give to Every Junior Developer Who Wants To Land A Role At A Big Tech Company

1 min read
The Best Piece Of Advice I Was Given About Coding Interviews As A Junior Developer And How It Helped Me Land My First Job

The Best Piece Of Advice I Was Given About Coding Interviews As A Junior Developer And How It Helped Me Land My First Job

2 min read
5 Dead-Simple Tips to Make Your Code More Readable as a Junior Frontend Developer (And Get Your Pull Requests Approved Faster) 🎉

5 Dead-Simple Tips to Make Your Code More Readable as a Junior Frontend Developer (And Get Your Pull Requests Approved Faster) 🎉

2 min read
4 Reasons Why Substack Is The Most Underrated Platform For Junior To Mid-Level Developers Looking To Advance Their Career

4 Reasons Why Substack Is The Most Underrated Platform For Junior To Mid-Level Developers Looking To Advance Their Career

Comments 5
1 min read
Myth: "There is a Best Frontend Framework Out There, and Once I Find It, I Will Live Happily Ever After" 🧐

Myth: "There is a Best Frontend Framework Out There, and Once I Find It, I Will Live Happily Ever After" 🧐

2 min read
Why the Heck Do We Need Bundlers, Compilers, or Build Tools in Frontend Development? Unveiling 10 Reasons Why They Exist ✨

Why the Heck Do We Need Bundlers, Compilers, or Build Tools in Frontend Development? Unveiling 10 Reasons Why They Exist ✨

3 min read
5 Essential Substack Newsletters for Every Developer to Subscribe To 💌

5 Essential Substack Newsletters for Every Developer to Subscribe To 💌

Comments 3
2 min read
4 Reasons Why I Think Every Aspiring Frontend Developer Should Read "You Don't Know JS" book series✨📚

4 Reasons Why I Think Every Aspiring Frontend Developer Should Read "You Don't Know JS" book series✨📚

1 min read
5 ways to Shoot Yourself in the Foot With Typescript (And What To Do Instead) 🔫🦶🏽

5 ways to Shoot Yourself in the Foot With Typescript (And What To Do Instead) 🔫🦶🏽

2 min read
5 Simple Quotes That Helped Me Stay On Track As A Junior Developer And Land My Dream Job 🎉 ✨

5 Simple Quotes That Helped Me Stay On Track As A Junior Developer And Land My Dream Job 🎉 ✨

2 min read
5 Simple Pieces of Advice for Junior Developers to Get Unstuck Without Looking Or Feeling Foolish 🙈

5 Simple Pieces of Advice for Junior Developers to Get Unstuck Without Looking Or Feeling Foolish 🙈

2 min read
Struggling to learn frontend? Elevate Your Skills with These 3 Game-Changing YouTube Channels 🚀

Struggling to learn frontend? Elevate Your Skills with These 3 Game-Changing YouTube Channels 🚀

2 min read
10 Facts About Coding Interviews Every Self-Taught Developer Without A CS Degree Should Be Aware Of

10 Facts About Coding Interviews Every Self-Taught Developer Without A CS Degree Should Be Aware Of

3 min read
Struggling to Learn React? Here's a Simple 3-Step Process to Master It

Struggling to Learn React? Here's a Simple 3-Step Process to Master It

1 min read
The 1 Thing I Wished I Knew When I Started As a Junior Dev

The 1 Thing I Wished I Knew When I Started As a Junior Dev

2 min read
7 VSCode Extensions To 10X Your Productivity

7 VSCode Extensions To 10X Your Productivity

2 min read
5 Mistakes I Made Early In My Software Development Career—And What I Would Have Done Differently

5 Mistakes I Made Early In My Software Development Career—And What I Would Have Done Differently

2 min read
The Web For Aspiring Developers (Part II: Servers and Hosting)

The Web For Aspiring Developers (Part II: Servers and Hosting)

3 min read
The Web For Aspiring Developers (Part I: URLs)

The Web For Aspiring Developers (Part I: URLs)

7 min read