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Handling Rejection and Failure in Tech As A Newbie


The tech industry is constantly evolving meaning that rejection and failure are inevitable, especially for newbies who are trying to find footing. Whether it is job reject emails, errors in your code or a project setback, these challenges can take a toll on your emotional well-being. We are all familiar with social media posts like, learn this tech skill and make 3 million within 6 months. Lol! Okay, I might be exaggerating the figures, but you get the gist, don’t you? One thing the tech influencers don’t teach newbies is the psychological impact of rejection and failure.

It is important to understand that experiencing rejection or failure does not define one's worth or abilities. Instead, it should be viewed as an opportunity for growth and learning. This article has been inspired by my experiences as a newbie as well as the conversations I've had with other people in the tech industry. I'm here to encourage newbies to embrace failure and understand that it is a natural part of growth and development in your personal and professional journey.

Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, but this time, more intelligently.

Steps to Handling Rejection and Failure

1. Understanding Rejection and Failure in Tech
Rejection and failure can manifest in different ways. The most common instances are job rejection despite your efforts and qualifications, a project that didn’t meet your expectations or encountering bugs in your code. At one point you encountered one of these challenges and even swore to drop tech and try something different.

Oh heck! You might have even encountered the three challenges at once as a newbie. If it is any consolation, remember that even experienced tech professionals encountered these challenges at some point in their career journey.

2. The Psychological Impact of Rejection and Failure
The psychological impact of rejection and failure varies from one person to the other. Some may feel a blow to their self-esteem while others may experience feelings of disappointment or frustration. As a newbie, I have to admit that I have experienced all these three feelings at once from time to time.
Particularly, newbies have to deal with impostor syndrome where they feel like they don’t belong or aren’t good enough in the industry. Accepting these emotions is the first step to maintaining mental well-being and building resilience in this dynamic tech industry.

3. Shifting the Perspective on Rejection and Failure
It's important to change our perspective so that we stop seeing failure and rejection as signs of weakness. Tech newbies can advance by learning from failure and accepting it as a learning opportunity.

Failure is not the end; rather, it is a step on the road to success. Many prominent tech leaders struggled through many setbacks before succeeding. You could ask a senior techie and they will confirm that indeed, they faced the same struggles when they were new in the industry.

4. Coping Strategies for Dealing with Rejection and Failure
Coping strategies play a vital role in handling rejection and failure effectively. Developing emotional resilience through practices such as mindfulness or seeking support from mentors or peers can help individuals bounce back stronger. Mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment and accepting one's thoughts and emotions without judgment. By cultivating this awareness, individuals can better understand their reactions to rejection or failure and choose how they want to respond.

Additionally, you can make use of tech communities to hold your hand until you find the right footing. There are good testimonials about tech communities by people who were once newbies. Embracing failures as learning opportunities rather than personal setbacks is key to maintaining a positive mindset. You need to speak positively about yourself to build emotional resilience. Remind yourself that you can always reach your goals despite the many setbacks along the way.

5. Learning from Failure and Iterating
Learning from failures is an essential part of growth in the tech industry. First, by analyzing what went wrong, identifying areas for improvement, and making necessary adjustments, newbies can recap their ideas or projects to succeed. Being aware of failure helps to respond effectively to mistakes rather than dwelling on them. When people take the time to analyze what went wrong, they can gain valuable insights and make strategies to become better. The strategies help identify areas that need improvement, allowing them to make necessary adjustments. However, you have to remember that not all mistakes require reprimanding, sometimes you just need to let them go and work towards being a better tech professional.

6. Embracing a Growth Mindset
Embracing a growth mindset is key in this process. It involves recognizing that failure is not a permanent setback but rather a stepping stone towards progress. By adopting this mindset, individuals can approach failures with resilience and determination.

Iterating ideas or projects based on lessons learned from past failures will enable you to rectify your approaches and increase your chances of success. This continuous learning process will help you as a newbie to be flexible in a dynamic industry. Besides, having a growth mindsight will make you fall in love with what you do which leads to both career success and personal evolution.

7. Setting Realistic Expectations and Goals
Setting achievable goals and managing expectations is essential in the tech industry. Unrealistic expectations can magnify the impact of failure and rejections, leading to discouragement, disappointment and burnout. Focus on personal progress rather than comparing yourself to others, as everyone's tech journey is unique.

Remember, the comparison is the highest of self-destruction, your journey is unique, trust me! The best technique is to write SMART goals to motivate you and give you a sense of direction. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. A good example of a SMART goal is, I am going to learn SQL for 3 months to improve my data analysis skills.

8. Seeking Support and Feedback
Never be scared to ask peers, mentors, or business experts for their opinions. Positive criticism is beneficial for both professional and personal growth. Accept feedback as a tool for development and apply it to your work to better yourself. You can share your work or projects on various social media platforms and request feedback from people from your tech fields. Use the feedback shared with you to make improvements and become a better developer.

Remember to thank the people that take the time to share their views and insights as it encourages other people to provide you with relevant feedback.


Facing rejection and failure in the tech industry is a normal and necessary part of the learning process. By shifting our perspective, embracing resilience, and adopting a growth mindset, tech newbies can turn these experiences into stepping stones to success.

Please note that every setback presents an opportunity to learn, grow, and excel in the dynamic world of technology. Embrace the challenges, stay persistent, and never stop learning. Your journey in tech is just beginning, and every failure brings you closer to your future success. Remember, The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.

You can check out my Portfolio here to connect.

NB Cover image credits :sweetbutfearless

Top comments (4)

inaju profile image
mitchel inaju

Thanks for writing this encouraging piece, it was very timely!!!

_nafulac profile image

Thank you.

wanjiruh profile image

It is an interesting and encouraging piece, I needed this.

_nafulac profile image

Keep pushing! Thank you!