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Discussion on: Java Enterprise 101

_hhandoko profile image
Herdy Handoko

It's great that it provides an opinionated architecture, such that it might be a good choice in systems integration projects. But it's hardly efficient nor scalable compared to existing alternatives (JVM-based or otherwise).

martinhaeusler profile image
Martin Häusler

As already stated in the text, it is a defensive choice. Will you end up with the best possible and most efficient solution? Most likely not. But you will create a solution that works. Also, if you tell someone that your application uses a standard JEE stack, then that person will already know a whole lot about the code without ever having seen it. It's not perfect, but it has a lot of merits.

_hhandoko profile image
Herdy Handoko

Yes, I'm fine with opinionated architectures. However, I just felt many of the claims in the articles are exaggerated.

In addition, the landscape is different from 10 years ago. JVM devs are spoilt for choice of frameworks or stack that just works, so I don't see how this is a key differentiator.

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martinhaeusler profile image
Martin Häusler

Feel free to suggest alternatives then :) I'm not aware of anything comparable on the JVM.

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_hhandoko profile image
Herdy Handoko

Sure :)

Let's use Spring as a baseline. It's a good framework and Spring Boot had made it effortless to get a project up and running and plugging new functionalities.

In the same breath, I do like Ninja Framework and their focused approach. Reminds me of the Java-based Play 1.x with their hot reload.

If it's simply services you're after (no web UI), a lot of Java shops are really happy with DropWizard.

But of course, they are all servlet-based. Those who seek better performance (throughput and stability under load) would usually go for Netty-based frameworks. It a step up from the servlet's thread-per-request model.

Spring has support for both servlet (Web MVC) and Netty (WebFlux), I've never used WebFlux so I can't really comment on it yet.

With those in mind, I'd go for those akka-http based. Either akka-http for service only or Play Framework for full web framework.

Another framework worthy of mention is vert.x. I haven't used it but I know of people who had a lot of success with it.

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martinhaeusler profile image
Martin Häusler

Okay, thanks! I've heard about the play framework - mostly rants though. Still, I'll have to check those technologies out to see what they do and how they work. Thank you for the input!

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_hhandoko profile image
Herdy Handoko • Edited

No worries, hope you'll have fun learning about these different approaches. I sure did :)

Apart from frameworks or stacks, another completely different paradigm that I think you might find interesting is eventually consistent systems using EventSourcing + CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation).

It's completely different (and overkill for most use cases), but it shifts your mindset from behaviours of an object to event-driven... Which, I think how things happens in real life, ie. we respond to events.