DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you organize your projects?

_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

What's a finished project?

I throw everything under /var/www/html with its own folder, and haveva separate sandbox project for trying stuff before it hits a project

madza profile image

Agree with the fact that the project is never actually finished, as theoretical, there are always more options to add and ways to improve it... πŸ˜‰Let me re-phrase - these are the projects that have fulfilled the requirements (features) and the client is happy with πŸ˜‰

_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

I keep forgetting that people do freelance work and actually have multiple clients. I have my employer, and then just side projects which I tinker with for learning more than anything.

Basically, everything of mine is a folder relating to its repository within GitLab. Doesn't matter if it's web or something else. Web goes in /var/www/html anything else goes in /home/gary/Documents/code/