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Discussion on: What resources would you recommend to learn Rust?

_darrenburns profile image
Darren Burns

The book "Programming Rust" is my personal favourite, and it's one of the best technical books I've ever read. The explanations are detailed and visual, and I personally prefer it over the official book (although I recommend reading that too to get multiple angles on some of the more challenging aspects of the language like ownership and lifetimes).

The one thing that's really accelerated my learning of Rust recently is working through the Advent of Code 2018 challenges with it -- they're more fun than your standard programming puzzle and you get a great sense of accomplishment from finishing one. Taking your time to think about how you can work with the language to solve the problem, and trying to make use of all of the tools it gives you where suitable is hugely beneficial! I'd strongly recommend using a combination of the official book, Programming Rust, and the challenges in Advent of Code. When working through the problems, I try to think how I can model the problem using the type system, how can I use the Iterator trait to make my solution more elegant, how I can manage error handling elegantly without just calling .unwrap() on every Result, and so on.

kodekage profile image
Prosper Opara

Please what's the official book for learning rust?