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What Should You Expect From Odoo, A Modern ERP System

"Gone are the days when you just throw up some modules and call it an ERP. The days of modern ERP solution and have come and today we will showcase some points on which the companies should evaluate their next ERP solution.

Nowadays, ERP providers should focus on creating a core ERP solution that can deliver what the customers really want. No one wants a robot that cannot be customized according to their requirement. The softness and customization are the future of ERP solutions in the market.

The right candidate for the modern ERP system is Opensource ERP system, such as Odoo. Odoo, being open source can be easily customized and falls in the category of Opensource ERP Implementation.

Without wasting much time, let's list some of the things that you should consider during next Odoo ERP implementation.

Find small initial requirement plus triggers
ERP selection and implementation can become a tough job because of the huge initial requirement that needs to be implemented before it gets operational. Another alternative way to approach the problem is to create a bare minimal initial requirement and then create triggers or milestones that can guide for implementing more functionality and features to the existing ERP. This way, companies can focus on the initial growth and then later move on to a bigger list.

Get Your Team Early In The Process
Teams are the most important part of any business and if you want your business to leverage well in tough time, get your team involved into the process of ERP selection. The C-Level executives should participate in the process and also bring more valuable employees for a better insight of different business process.

Industry-specific ERP selection
By choosing an ERP solution that aligns to your industry requirement, regulations and needs can be the most vital move in your ERP selection process. This way you are trusting already established on-field ERP system.

Vendor Demonstration as the savior
Vendor demonstration can provide your business the necessary clues to implement the ERP system. Most of the time, businesses only look for the box features and not what it offers from the inside. It is always a great idea to go forward and let the vendor explain everything that they have to offer.

Many vendors might look perfect for your business, but in truth they are not much diversified when it comes to bells and whistles.

User Experience is Vital
ERP systems are functional and improve the business processes. But what happens when you the user experience is terrible? A total waste of money and time. That's why, always aim for the best user experience possible. This will help the staff to adopt the ERP seamlessly and improve productivity and efficiency.

Be More Focused on Internal Business practices than Customization
Customization can be great for any business, but it makes it hard for future upgrades. So, it is better to avoid customization and stick to industry standards. The solution to the problem is to improve internal business practices that result in streamlined ERP solution implementation.

Keeping the Horses Calm
Rushing through the ERP implementation can easily spell disaster. The ERP implementation should be done with utmost attention and should be given enough time to evolve. The team that foresees the implementation should take care of all the proceeding and don't let any 3rd party interfere in the implementation process.

Training Methods to Improve Working With ERP
Training is important for any business. If you are on the verge of implementing a new ERP system, train your staff accordingly. Without the training, the ERP adoption will be slow and will lead to more loss. In addition, the business should explore vendor's on-demand training sessions and support. Lastly, upgrades should also be associated with the appropriate training sessions so that staff understand the new functionality and use them with confidence.

Ask Vendor For Cloud-based solution
A cloud-based solution is future. With a cloud-based solution, the business is moving all its infrastructure on-line and also enabling mobility and portability to the business processes.

Documentation and Communication are the keys to success
How many times a project goes wrong because there is no documentation or communication between the project workers? For ERP implementation, documentation, collaboration, and communication are vital. Using documentation, the team can track the changes effectively and also improve their chances at successful implementation.

Calculate TCO
Getting to know your Total cost is important. Before starting the project, get to know the TCO from your vendor.

With the above points, you are clear in the maze. Always try to understand everything before going for the implementation. Over 20% of the ERP implementation fails and that's because of no planning."

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