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For your health, walking 8,000 steps with 20 minutes MICT is needed!

1. What is MICT?

Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training (MICT) refers to a form of exercise that involves sustained, moderate-intensity physical activity. In the context of walking, MICT corresponds to brisk walking at a pace where you can maintain a conversation but still experience a notable level of physical exertion.

2. Why 8,000 steps with 20 minutes MICT is important?

Dr. Yukitoshi Aoyagi recommends a daily goal of 8,000 steps with the inclusion of 20 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (MICT) as the ideal approach for promoting longevity and preventing various diseases. This combination offers a range of health benefits and reduces the risk of certain health conditions, as highlighted in his research.ref

3. Best timing you walk

late afternoon
The best timing for walking is the late afternoon.This timing is ideal for several reasons:

  1. Body Temperature:
    Your body temperature tends to be at its highest in the late afternoon, which means your muscles are warmed up, making it easier to move and reducing the risk of injury.

  2. Strength and Coordination:
    As the day progresses, your muscle strength and coordination tend to be at their peak. This can result in more effective and efficient walking.

  3. Mood and Stress Reduction:
    Walking in the late afternoon can help reduce stress and boost mood. It's a great way to unwind after a long day and release endorphins, which are natural mood elevators.

  4. Sunlight Exposure:
    If you walk outdoors, the late afternoon provides an opportunity to get some sunlight exposure, which is beneficial for vitamin D production and can enhance your overall well-being.

  5. Consistency:
    Setting a routine for walking in the late afternoon makes it more likely that you'll stick to your exercise regimen. Consistency is key to reaping the long-term benefits of walking.

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