DEV Community

Discussion on: Automating Your Node Workflow with Gulp and Nodemon

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Nick Moreton

Nice tutorial - I found Bulp to be a great starting point if you're after a boilerplate gulp file.

Not a criticism of you, as we all tend to think this way these days, but one thing I would pick up on is:

"Most pages require SASS or LESS, Bower, Browserify, maybe a compiler if you're writing in CoffeeScript or Typescript, and the list goes on."

In fact, it is we the developers who require those things - Those tools make our lives easier, and it's very easy for us to get lost in our own workflows and forget that all the browser/page requires is HTML, along with some optional CSS and JavaScript.

There's definitely value in carefully considering what tools to use, and often keeping things as simple as possible leads to a lot less headaches! That's why I think Bulp is a great starting point for this stuff - it really helped me get my head around Gulp by keeping it simple.

zak profile image

That's a valid point, I went ahead and changed it to say that "Most projects depend on...".

Also, thanks for the note on Bulp. I'd never heard of it before, but I threw in a note about it for anyone that's interested.

Thanks for the feedback!

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Nick Moreton

Ah yeah I was struggling to think how to rephrase it - 'projects' is perfect