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Sven Kanoldt
Sven Kanoldt

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Super Simple Disk Benchmark written in rust

Today I discovered simple disk benchmark that is written in C and I wanted to give a very minimal version of it a try in rust. So here I'am reporting of my new crate and command line tool ssd-benchmark. It is so super simple you cannot do anything wrong. Give it a try.

Purpose of life

This tool has just one single purpose, it measures the writing performance of your hard disk on macOS and Linux. More precisely spoken of the disk under your CWD.

It used random data from rand crate and writes first sequentially chunks of 8MB until a total 1GB is written. It measures writing time and throughput.

After that it writes this random data 8 times again on disk and measures the average writing times and throughput for this.

Quick Start


To install the ssd-benchmark tool, you just need to run

cargo install --force ssd-benchmark
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(--force just makes it update to the latest version if it's already installed)

to verify if the installation went through, you can run ssd-benchmark that should output similar to

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$ ssd-benchmark

###             Super Simple Disk Benchmark              ###
## Star me on ##

Filling buffer with 8 MB random data...
Initilisation of buffer done               4890 ms

Starting benchmark...

Perform sequential writing of total 1024 MB in 8 MB chunks

Total time                                 2522 ms
Throughput                               512.00 MB/s

Perform 8 write cycles of 1024 MB

Total time                                29598 ms
Min write time                             2516 ms
Max write time                             4934 ms
Range write time                           2418 ms
Average write time μ                       3699 ms
Standard deviation σ                        801 ms

Min throughput                           207.54 MB/s
Max throughput                           407.00 MB/s
Average throughput Ø                     276.83 MB/s
Standard deviation σ                      64.76 MB/s
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The great thing is, there are no parameters or options.

Missing something?

If you miss a feature file an issue on github and don't forget to star the repo.

Thanks for reading and don't miss out to give feedback :)

Used versions:

$ rustc --version
rustc 1.43.0 (4fb7144ed 2020-04-20)
$ cargo --version
cargo 1.43.0 (3532cf738 2020-03-17)
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Originally published on my blog

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