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Mahmoud Ashraf
Mahmoud Ashraf

Posted on • Originally published at

Get webmentions with shell script using jq & yq

Recently, I discovered that I can track the likes, reposts, and comments on social media posts that include links to any blog post or thought from my website using webmentions. To learn more about webmentions, you can visit the indieweb.

This article will not cover how to set up webmentions on your blog, instead, it will demonstrate how to use jq and yq to fetch webmentions and save them in your Git repository.

What are jq and yq ?

Both tools do the same thing but with different file types. The first one, jq,
is a tool that can work with any JSON text to extract or set any value.
Similarly, yq serves the same purpose but is designed for YAML files.

Create a shell script skeleton

Let's create a shell script named webmention and give it the executable
permissions chmod +x webmention



main() {
  # main script will be here

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How To fetch recent webmentions only

I need to run the script periodically, So I want to avoid over-fetching every time I fetch webmentions, and fortunately has a query-param called since which only returns webmentions after this date.

fetch_webmentions() {
  curl -s \

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So to keep track of the date, we need to save this data somewhere in the
codebase, and since I have metadata.yaml file, why not save it there?

# metadata.yaml

title: Mahmoud Ashraf
# ...
last_webmention_sync: "2024-06-29T15:37:22Z"
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since=$(yq ".last_webmention_sync" metadata.yaml)

fetch_webmentions() {
  curl -s \
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Finally, after finishing the whole script which will be shown later on this blog, we need to save the latest date to yaml file, so we can use it in the next run of webmention script.

main() {
  # our script ...

  new_date=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
  yq -i ".last_webmention_sync = \"$new_date\"" metadata.yaml
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How to format the json response

we need to transform the actual response of the webmention API, from this format:

  "type": "feed",
  "name": "Webmentions",
  "children": [
      "type": "entry",
      "wm-id": 1835832,
      "wm-target": "",
      "wm-property": "in-reply-to",
      // ...
    // more entries
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To this format:

    "target": "blog/build-a-blog-with-svelte-and-markdown",
    "properties": [
        "property": "in-reply-to",
        "entries": [{ "type": "entry", /* ... */ }]
      { "property": "likes-of", "entries": [ /* ... */ ] }
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So we need to process the json like this:

  1. remove my domain from each wm-target, so we can get the actual path
  2. filter-out any webmentions for the home page ""
  3. group-by the wm-target so now have an array of arrays grouped by the same target
  4. after that map each to be an object with target and properties and properties will contain an array of e.g: {"property": "likes-of", "entries": []}
format_output() {
    jq --arg domain "$domain" '.children
  | map(.["wm-target"] |= sub("^https://\($domain)/"; "")
                       | .["wm-target"] |= sub("/$"; ""))
  | map(select(.["wm-target"] != ""))
  | group_by(.["wm-target"])
  | map({
      target: .[0]["wm-target"],
      properties: group_by(.["wm-property"])
        | map({ property: .[0]["wm-property"], entries: .})

# ...

main () {
  fetch_webmentions | format_output
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Loop through each target and save the data

Now We need to go through each target and save the data in yaml format, or in
json but for me, I will go with yaml because I will use this file later with pandoc as metadata to display the webmentions

So with -c,--compact-output, jq will print each object into separate lines so we iterate with a while loop for each entry and save the file

main() {
  fetch_webmentions | format_output | jq -c '.[]' |
    while IFS= read -r line; do
      save_into_file "$line"

  # ...
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For each file we will see if there existing data, we will need to first merge two of them and make sure the merged data have unique data, so we will compare with wm-id with jq using
unique_by(:property_name:) function and plus + operator to merge two arrays

merge_entries() {

  jq -s '.[0] + .[1] | unique_by(.["wm-id"])' \
    <(echo "$existing_entries") <(echo "$new_entries") |
    sed 's/\([^\\]\)@/\1\\@/g'
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And finally here is the final look at the save_into_file function

save_into_file() {

  target=$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.target')
  properties=$(echo "$line" | jq -c '.properties[]')

  touch "$path"

  echo "$properties" | while IFS= read -r property; do
    property_name=$(echo "$property" | jq -r ".property")
    new_entries=$(echo "$property" | jq '.entries')

    existing_entries=$(yq -o=json ".$property_name // []" "$path")
    merged_entries=$(merge_entries "$existing_entries" "$new_entries")

    yq -i ".$property_name = $merged_entries" "$path"
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Now each blog or thought have a comment.yaml in the same directory, and I use it as metadata with pandoc and render it with pandoc template.

# get-webmention-with-jq-and-yq
# ├── hand-in-hand.jpg
# ├── comments.yaml
# └──

pandoc --metadata-file=comments.yaml -o index.html
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Another enhancement we can write github workflow just to run this script every 12 hours instead to run it manually from time to time.

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