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Discussion on: 4 reasons I fell in love with Test Driven Development.

190245 profile image

My issue with TDD is the time component, and PMO always have immovable deadlines...

The typical workflow is that you sit in a planning meeting, talk about the tasks, figure them out & put story point estimates on. Back at your desk, you pick up the first task in the TODO column & recheck the requirements. Work begins.

While working on the task, previously unknown parts of it start to get clarity. The complexity of the task changes (but the estimate never does). At some point, a BA comes over with "oh by the way, they don't want a Ferrari, they want an airliner, you can do that in the same timeline, right?" So we have to refactor everything.

If I used TDD, I'd have to refactor both the tests and the code that fulfils the requirements. If I write unit tests as I go, I have to refactor the code and the tests. If I write the tests last, I only have to refactor the code I've been writing.

Tests are the first thing that PMO sacrifices for the timeline, because they're only seen by developers, and we pay QA for testing anyway, right? So why are we paying devs to test too?

Refactoring more things takes more time, especially when requirements exist in a shifting sands environment.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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190245 profile image

I'm talking from real world experience... so I don't think that calling me a developer who doesn't care or know better is particularly helpful here.

Take bug fixing for example. Someone finds a bug & raises a ticket. First step is to confirm how the system SHOULD work in that scenario. Oftentimes that's obvious, sometimes it needs a chat with a BA/stakeholder.

That done, I write a test for how the system SHOULD work, and the test clearly fails. Then I fix the bug, and the test passes.... TDD in action.

New feature development is completely different. Spike research is another area that would be impossible for TDD.

As a developer, I try to always use the appropriate tools at the appropriate time. TDD has its uses, but it isn't a panacea.

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patferraggi profile image
Patricio Ferraggi

I really need to check my words before answering as again I didn't not meant anything I said as an attack onto you.

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190245 profile image

Don't worry, and please, don't delete anything on my account (I already see deleted messages in the thread).

Given your name, and the content of the TDD article, it's clear that while your English is good, it's not your first language (I'd guess you're Italian, and while I get by in written & spoken Italian, trust me, your English is better than my Italian).

In the spirit that I believe was started, the debate is a good one to have - and with any good debate, there will be differing opinions.

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patferraggi profile image
Patricio Ferraggi

Argentinian, but yeah Italian parent ahah. Yeah also I am not into deleting conversation but that message didn't gave anything to the argument, I felt it was just noise since you answered that in other answers.

patferraggi profile image
Patricio Ferraggi

Well, I have a few strong opinions here. first, why the PMO is deciding if you write tests or not? I have seen many developers that feel they are under the PMO, you as a developer are providing with the technical expertise, is your call to decide how you build the software, and tests are part of the development process, you wouldn't say "Ok skip design and estimate and just start developing" right?. Developers need to get their big boy pants on and start taking responsibility for their choices. Second, if you are working and the requirements change, while you refactor you continue doing unit test, the reality is that not all your tests are gonna be thrown away, most of them will still apply and having them it will make that refactoring bullet proof, which is what you need. Third, if the timeline doesn't match, cut features, deliver less but better, believe me no PMO will argue with you if you say that you re gonna deliver less because the timeline is not realistic but everything is gonna work very well. I am working in a company that 3 years ago we were as the example you describe, it tooks as 3 years but now we have more power, we decide if it's possible, we decide the reach of the release based on the deadlines, we decide that everything should be tested, but it was our will and effort what made that change.

One last thing, it was also very important making people understand that estimates are just that an estimate, they re not perfect, their definition is that you re "guessing" how long it will take, if you start with the task and realize it is gonna be more time, that is fine, comunícate with your team and re plan.

190245 profile image

All lovely sentiments. I wish I lived on the same planet.

Re the size of my pants - I refuse to release anything to QA without a minimum of 60% test coverage (I won't get into the intricate debate here of how to measure). Doesn't matter if I wrote it or someone else on my team wrote it - no minimum coverage, no release.

PMO often push for a full feature set, on the timeline they demand. Same in every company I've worked for. So I made a point of having the CI server enforce code coverage, so no-one can push an untested release.

Testing, or not testing, wasn't the debate (nor were the size of my pants).

The point, is that TDD requires perfect requirements (or a locked sprint) otherwise you'll be wasting time by writing tests at the start, because the requirements will change.

We have someone on my team who loves TDD, advocates for it at every step, and then takes 5 times as long as everyone else to actually deliver.

I'm not speaking from an untested world here. TDD has only two valid use cases; bug fixing and some dystopian perfect realm where requirements are written by a BA that understands the user base perfectly.

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patferraggi profile image
Patricio Ferraggi • Edited

Hey Dave thank you for answering back, I am sorry if my answer seemed attacking to you in any sense 'cause that was not the idea at all. I wasn't talking about you specifically, me and a lot of developers I know sometimes we don't push stuff when it is our responsibility, we let other parts of the development team decide for us when building the product is done with our decisions.

I also worked in multiple companies were scenarios happen as the way you describe them, it's not until my last experience that I understood that we can all work together and improve that situation.

On the part of TDD I don't agree that you need perfect requirements, I work in an environment that requirements change all the time, and features never end up as they were originally planned, still I have not seen TDD come into trouble with this, in the long term we had produce much better code when having a testing suite written in a TDD manner ( due to having a high test coverage and covering very weird edge cases), it is also very easy to change requirements and refactor when you have this already implemented, changes are done with ease because you have a clear view if you broke previous features.

About the time it takes to develop, after the initial time, do you have any knowledge that the code the guys without TDD produced was much safer or even equally safer than the one produced with TDD?
I can only speak from my experience but when consciously using TDD in specific modules of our application the bugs that came from it drastically reduced due to the benefits I mentioned previously.

In my case I don't advocate that everyone should do TDD, I am just mentioning the reasons why I love TDD and why I do it. It happens that my team does TDD, but other teams in the company don't.

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190245 profile image

Re the general productivity of the TDD advocate on my team - pretty much everything they touch is a bug riddled mess (functional issues). It's so bad that most of the PMO won't even give them work to do.

But, see my post on code reviews... same person, and I'm confident it says more about that individual than it does TDD.

Re code coverage, you're entirely right, if we release at 60%, 40% is not covered by tests. But that doesn't mean we haven't manually tested those areas, or that we haven't given the QA team a heads up on where we are weak with tests...

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aabhina profile image

My 2 cents.
Although what Pat says, sounds more appropriate theoretically, but I have to side with Dave here, for he says the brutal truth.
TDD can be a great practice when you are, may be, building your own small-mini-side project at home.
But when you work for an enterprise, you cannot practically do 100% TDD for any real business deliverables.
You should write tests to test a piece of logic, both positive & negative, if it makes sense to your business purpose.
With so many frameworks around these days, there is so much boiler-plate code, that it does not make any sense to follow a true TDD approach.
Also, in enterprise level apps, more often than not, there is no need to test all 100% plausible and implausible scenarios. Mostly, you know there are N number of known scenarios you can write tests for those, both positive as well as well negative, and then encompass all of the rest inconsequential scenarios in 1 single bucket of failure or the bucket of "do not care".
With so much debate going on about true-blooded TDD and all, but what I feel is that it is more important to understand the business value of what we are doing, and use our practical experience to apply the correct logic in solving that problem.

There is no point in solving a non-problem which nobody cares & keep on writing innumerable test cases. I mean, practically speaking, u cant possibly think of ALL the different scenarios for a given situation. Even if someone does, I am sure someone else can come up with one more. So, let us not go down the rabbit hole.
Rather put our energy in identifying what matters to the business and solve that, then move on to the next problem.

dan1ve profile image
Daniel Veihelmann • Edited

Developing without tests will save you time in the short term, no question.
However, having a test suite will save you time in the long run, because it can catch bugs immediately.

In addition, it will let you ship with confidence. You can literally proof that the tests workflows work.
To me, this psychological effect is even more important and let's me sleep at night ;)

190245 profile image

Nowhere in my post did I say that products ship untested.

The debate is about either writing tests before code, or code before the tests (TDD or not).

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patferraggi profile image
Patricio Ferraggi

Hey Dave, sorry maybe I misunderstood, then what did you mean by this
"Tests are the first thing that PMO sacrifices for the timeline, because they're only seen by developers, and we pay QA for testing anyway, right?"

Here I understood that in some cases PMO decides not to test in order to meet the deadlines, is my understanding of your answer incorrect?

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dan1ve profile image
Daniel Veihelmann • Edited

Dave, fair enough, maybe I misunderstood your post.

However, from my (and my team's) experience, writing the production code before the tests will often lead to code that is simply hard to test.

I don't follow TDD strictly, but I certainly see it's value, especially for bug fixes.

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190245 profile image

No argument about TDD for bug fixes - you get clear, unchanging requirements in a bug fix. I personally follow TDD when fixing bugs.

Re the untestable code - I think that's something that just takes time. We have a few guys who write then have to refactor to write unit tests.

But (in our case) you can hit the minimum coverage targets by writing integration tests, and somewhat disregard good OO design principles and code patterns, and it'll still pass a build (though we tend to complain loudly in code review about future maintenance, and usually a PM interjects with "raise a tech debt ticket, we'll fix that in future, I promise" 🤔)

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190245 profile image

PMO doesn't decide anything (our PMs can barely decide what they have for breakfast).

However, it's a fact of life that because the requirements change mid sprint, the estimates are invalid without the expectation of delivery changing. This usually ends up in a negotiation, where the PM will flex the deadline a little and the Dev team have to flex a little from the ideal perfect world.

Specifically in my office, the CI server will throw an "amber warning" if code coverage is below 80% and we all try to keep it green. But if we have a tight deadline, we can sacrifice 20% test coverage and still release (the CI server won't let anyone release anything below 60%).

So, given the requirements change (other than bug fix), and deadlines are always tight, test coverage is an easy sacrifice - though that doesn't mean we don't write tests.