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Introduction of Web Server and HTML

Web Server is a collection of data, web pages, and other essential information that can be accessed by users or clients.
Apache is most widely used web server over the world.
HTML,CSS and Javascript are the three most essential tools to create websites.
h1 tag is used to display the heading.
h2 tag is also used to display the heading but the font size of h2 tag will be smaller than h1 tag.
lorem tag-In order to create a website in faster and to avoid creative typing we use lorem tag.It is generally a dummy text.
Which will show how the website will look if we have a actual text.
img tag - It has two attributes src which we can call source which contains the link of the image.
alt which we can call alternate in case of internet error or due to weak connection if the image is not displayed it will diplay a textual description written by the user.
We can set the set the height and width of the image by using the "height" and "width" attributes.

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