DEV Community

Discussion on: The "Fake Developer" Conundrum

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Safi Habhab

Hello there
What you feel is really common , ive been in your shoes , last year i graduted the top in my class , and always said to my selt that'll never start a career because I'm too bad , it seemed the opposite , i started a job right after graduation as a web developer and still till know i feel my self that i am not good enough as a developer even though i went professional.
So here's the deal , at first like any career , there are levels that can be reached after gaining experience, you can't just jump out and be like Microsoft co. team leaders and seniors instantly for exmaple , at one point , they started like us, from scrath , so at starter you have to take things slowly.
Programming professionally is higher in level than that of college , when you want to find a job , companies know that . companies expect from juniors to be passionate hard workers with a little knowledge of coding , you don't have to be a hard core programmer that knows it all at all . So what you are doing know is great and enough, keep it up .
I also recommend that when you self study , choose a path and stick to it , like for example , if you wanna be a web developer , study materials only for web development and specifically to a framework in it. You maybe want to be a game developer or a mobile one ,nevertheless what you need to do is to stick to it , learning from here and there spontaneously won't necessarily hold you down , but sticking to a specification will definitely push you up .