Sometimes you are building for multiple platforms and you want to use the same color across all of them.
This is where the Colors
package comes in handy.
It provides a set of predefined system colors that you can use in your SwiftUI projects.
To use the Colors
package in your project, add the following dependency to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", branch: "main")
Then, add Colors
as a dependency for your target:
targets: [
name: "YourTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "Colors", package: "Colors")
Finally, import the Colors
module in your Swift files:
import Colors
Use the predefined colors in your SwiftUI views:
import SwiftUI
import Colors
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Hello, World!")
Text("Hello, World!")
Text("Hello, World!")
Text("Hello, World!")
Which colors are available?
Color | Light Mode | Dark Mode | (Original) Platforms |
.lightText | #ffffffff | #ffffffff | iOS |
.darkText | #000000ff | #000000ff | iOS |
.placeholderText | #3d3d42ff | #eaeaf4ff | iOS |
.label | #000000ff | #ffffffff | iOS, tvOS |
.secondaryLabel | #3d3d42ff | #eaeaf4ff | iOS, tvOS |
.tertiaryLabel | #3d3d42ff | #eaeaf4ff | iOS, tvOS |
.quaternaryLabel | #3d3d42ff | #eaeaf4ff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemBackground | #ffffffff | #000000ff | iOS |
.secondarySystemBackground | #f2f2f7ff | #1c1c1eff | iOS |
.tertiarySystemBackground | #ffffffff | #2b2b2dff | iOS |
.systemFill | #77777fff | #77777fff | iOS |
.secondarySystemFill | #77777fff | #77777fff | iOS |
.tertiarySystemFill | #75757fff | #75757fff | iOS |
.quaternarySystemFill | #72727fff | #75757fff | iOS |
.systemGroupedBackground | #f2f2f7ff | #000000ff | iOS |
.secondarySystemGroupedBackground | #1c1c1eff | #ffffffff | iOS |
.tertiarySystemGroupedBackground | #f2f2f7ff | #2b2b2dff | iOS |
.systemGray | #8e8e93ff | #8e8e93ff | iOS, tvOS, visionOS |
.systemGray2 | #adadb2ff | #636366ff | iOS, visionOS |
.systemGray3 | #c6c6ccff | #474749ff | iOS, visionOS |
.systemGray4 | #d1d1d6ff | #3a3a3dff | iOS, visionOS |
.systemGray5 | #e5e5eaff | #2b2b2dff | iOS, visionOS |
.systemGray6 | #f2f2f7ff | #1c1c1eff | iOS, visionOS |
.separator | #3d3d42ff | #545459ff | iOS, tvOS, visionOS |
.opaqueSeparator | #c6c6c6ff | #38383aff | iOS, tvOS |
.link | #007affff | #0a84ffff | iOS, tvOS, visionOS |
.systemBlue | #007affff | #0a84ffff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemCyan | #32ade6ff | #64d2ffff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemMint | #00c7beff | #63e6e2ff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemPurple | #af51ddff | #bf59f2ff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemGreen | #33c659ff | #30d159ff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemYellow | #ffcc00ff | #ffd60aff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemOrange | #ff9300ff | #ff9e0aff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemPink | #ff2d54ff | #ff385eff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemRed | #ff3a30ff | #ff443aff | iOS, tvOS |
.systemTeal | #59c6f9ff | #63d1ffff | iOS, tvOS, macOS |
.systemIndigo | #5956d6ff | #5e5be5ff | iOS, tvOS, macOS |
.scrubberTexturedBackground | #ffffffff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.textBackgroundColor | #ffffffff | #1e1e1eff | macOS |
.controlTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.quaternaryLabelColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.findHighlightColor | #ffff00ff | #ffff00ff | macOS |
.highlightColor | #ffffffff | #b5b5b5ff | macOS |
.shadowColor | #000000ff | #000000ff | macOS |
.windowFrameTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.windowBackgroundColor | #edededff | #333333ff | macOS |
.keyboardFocusIndicatorColor | #0066f4ff | #19a8ffff | macOS |
.separatorColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.selectedControlColor | #b2d6ffff | #3f638cff | macOS |
.controlBackgroundColor | #ffffffff | #1e1e1eff | macOS |
.secondaryLabelColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.tertiaryLabelColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.gridColor | #e5e5e5ff | #191919ff | macOS |
.alternateSelectedControlTextColor | #ffffffff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.unemphasizedSelectedContentBackgroundColor | #dbdbdbff | #444444ff | macOS |
.textColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.systemBrown | #a3845eff | #aa8e68ff | iOS |
.selectedContentBackgroundColor | #0063e0ff | #0059d1ff | macOS |
.selectedTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.labelColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.placeholderTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.unemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor | #dbdbdbff | #444444ff | macOS |
.disabledControlTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.headerTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.linkColor | #0068d8ff | #3f9bffff | macOS |
.selectedTextBackgroundColor | #b2d6ffff | #3f638cff | macOS |
.unemphasizedSelectedTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.controlColor | #ffffffff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.selectedControlTextColor | #000000ff | #ffffffff | macOS |
.underPageBackgroundColor | #969696ff | #282828ff | macOS |
.selectedMenuItemTextColor | #ffffffff | #ffffffff | macOS |
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