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Simplest way to compare two numbers array in JS

In case of string we can simply use == or === to see if they are same but we can't use those to see in two arrays are similar or in other words they have same elements.
So this wont work.

const array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
const array2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
console.log(array1 == array2) //false
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But what if we convert our array to string? Then you can use the comparison operator. This makes the task very easy. We can sort an array using toString method eg. array1.toString() or we can use this hack

console.log([1, 2, 3, 4, 5] + "")
//logs 1,2,3,4,5
console.log(typeof ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5] + ""))
//logs string
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So basically if we try to concatenate string(empty string in this case) to an array the array will be converted to a string.
so now we can simply use the arrays as strings and compare them

const array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
const array2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
console.log(array1 + "" == array2 + "") //true
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Also if you want it to work with arrays where the elements are not in order you can first sort them. Let's create a utility function for that

function compareArr(arr1, arr2){
    return arr1 + "" == arr2 + ""
const array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
const array2 = [1, 5, 2, 4, 3]
console.log(compareArr(array1, array2)) // returns true
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Top comments (52)

ksengine profile image
Kavindu Santhusa • Edited

Correct Algorithm

Here is the Correct Algorithm

const array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const array2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// This is the function
const compare = (a1, a2) =>
  a1.length == a2.length &&
    (element, index) => element === a2[index]

// Example
console.log(compare(array1, array2));

// Sorted
console.log(compare(array1.sort(), array2.sort()));
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marcosteinke profile image
Marco Steinke

This was the solution for a subtask of a problem I recently solved in a project.

I compared two vectors element-wise and counted the amount of distinct elements

getTotalDifference(anotherVector) {
    let diff = 0;
    this.values.forEach((e,i) => { return (this.values[i] != anotherVector[i]) ? diff++ : diff = diff; })
    return diff;
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virtualghostmck profile image

If a2 has more elements than a1, then this algo fails.

ksengine profile image
Kavindu Santhusa

Thanks, Now it's upadated.

hnicolas profile image
Nicolas Hervé

You forgot to compare array sizes.

compare([1], [1, 2]); // true
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0shuvo0 profile image

Yes but we are talking about the simple approach here

0shuvo0 profile image

And your function has some drawbacks also
algo fail

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

Whether that's a drawback or by design is questionable; whether two identical objects should be treated as actually the same completely depends on your problem domain.

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0shuvo0 profile image

agreed 100%

ksengine profile image
Kavindu Santhusa

In js your Objects are not equal
If your arrays are

const num5 = { num: 5 };
const array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, num5];
const array2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, num5];
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It works.

ilumin profile image

I think it would be greate if we sort the array inside compare function, so we can sure that it will compare with the right position

valeriavg profile image

This method will not work for non-primitive values:

[{v:1},{v:2},{v:3}] + ''
// '[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]'
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Although slight alteration to the algorithm will do the trick:

// '[{"v":1},{"v":2},{"v":3}]'
// '[1,2,3,4,5]'
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However even the latter comparison is aimed for simple and small arrays as it can be pretty expensive and yield unexpected results for some edge-cases, e.g.:

JSON.stringify(new Set([1,2,3]))
// '{}'
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In those cases one can use deep equal implementation from a variety of packages.

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

This method will not work for non-primitive values

I read that as "non-prime values" at first and was severely confused 😆

0shuvo0 profile image

true, most short hacks usually have drawbacks

ksengine profile image
Kavindu Santhusa

Your solution has too many drawbacks.

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pierrewahlberg profile image
Pierre Vahlberg

That was not very constructive really. Care to explain a bit what the drawbacks could be?

wxs77577 profile image
Johnny Wu

also you can use lodash.isMatch _.isMatch

suckup_de profile image
Lars Moelleken • Edited

Last time I needed to compare sommeting in JS I used "JSON.stringify" but its still a hack. What is the correct way to do it nowadays? 🤔

valeriavg profile image

There is no general right or wrong as it depends on a particular use case, but if you want an optimal solution that would handle most of the cases it'll probably be a recursive iterator over indices with early return.

0shuvo0 profile image

Writing an algorithm with loop and recursion if needed

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ksengine profile image
Kavindu Santhusa


patricktingen profile image
Patrick Tingen

What's the advantage of using the "hack" over the more straightforward way of adding .toString? The advantage of .toString is that it makes your intent more clear, which might be a tiny bit more maintenance friendly

0shuvo0 profile image

There are two types of people in this world.

  1. People who like hacks
  2. Other people
patricktingen profile image
Patrick Tingen

Haha, fair enough, but type-1 people then better keep working in 1-person teams

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0shuvo0 profile image

Yes in corporate/serious project you have some rules to follow

blackr1234 profile image
blackr1234 • Edited

I won't consider that a "hack" because as a Java developer I always write +"" instead of toString(), but I would consider stringifying the arrays and comparing them a hack for array comparison.

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0shuvo0 profile image

Owh nice to know

hnicolas profile image
Nicolas Hervé

This is so wrong...

compareArr([1, 2, 3], [1, "2,3"]);
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0shuvo0 profile image

actually I was aiming for numbers array. I updated the title

hnicolas profile image
Nicolas Hervé
Array.prototype.toString = () => "oups";
compareArr([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]);
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ksengine profile image
Kavindu Santhusa

Changing built-in Objects is a bad idea.

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hnicolas profile image
Nicolas Hervé

It is a bad practice, but in the browser context you should be aware that object prototype pollution exists.

0shuvo0 profile image

didn't saw that coming

joeattardi profile image
Joe Attardi

Please don't ever do this in production code.

0shuvo0 profile image


joeattardi profile image
Joe Attardi

So you agree that your own post is a bad idea? 🤔

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0shuvo0 profile image

yes there is always drawbacks of easy hacks.
But if you're confident about your input you might as well ues this

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joeattardi profile image
Joe Attardi

Sometimes hacks make it into production code and become technical debt. This is not a hack that should ever be in a real application.

There are a lot of beginners on DEV and when they see posts like this it teaches them really bad practices. Particularly here since you have tagged it with #beginners.

Besides, your "solution" is for comparing arrays of numbers only. Comparing two arrays containing just numbers is easy with a simple loop since there aren't nested properties, etc.

function arrayEquals(arr1, arr2) {
  for (let i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
    if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) {
      return false;

    return true;
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You could also use Array.prototype.every for a one-liner:

function arrayEquals(arr1, arr2) {
  return arr1.every((el, index) => arr2[index] === el);
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With both of the above approaches, it bails out as soon as it finds two array elements that are not unique. Stringifying and comparing strings (yuck) requires processing each array in full.

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

A faster way of unsorted equality would be:

const arrayEqualsUnsorted = (array1, array2) =>
  array1.length === array2.length && 
  array1.every(item => array2.includes(item));
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hnicolas profile image
Nicolas Hervé

It don"t work with duplicated values.

arrayEqualUnsorted([1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2]); // true
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hongphuc5497 profile image
Hong Phuc

You should remove duplicated items with Set class first before comparing, for example:

const uniqueArr = [... new Set(yourArr)]

tamusjroyce profile image

Check the length first. That is the simplest way to tell they may not be equivalent. You have also just sorted the original array1 and array2. ‘[…array2].sort()’ would be better.

array1.length === array2.length && array1.some???

j7222 profile image
J7222 • Edited

let x=['1',2,5,6];
let y= [1,2,5,6];
let xlenx = x.length;
for(let i=0;i<xlenx;i++){

console.log(x[i] + ' == ' + y[i])
else if(x[i]!==y[i]){
console.log('not same');

jt3k profile image
Andrey Gurtovoy • Edited
compareArr = (arr1, arr2) => {
  if(arr1.length !== arr2.length){ return false;}
  return arr1.every((item, index) => item === arr2[index]);
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// Is better for your task

killshot13 profile image
Michael R.

Ahh! I love the smell of a lively Javascript debate thread in the morning, now to peruse (creep) on all the comments whilst remaining quiet as a church mouse. 😅😁😶

0shuvo0 profile image

I also should've done that