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Can you solve this interview problem?

Shuvo on November 04, 2021

So few days ago I applied to a MNC and I had some interesting problems to solve in given amount of time. So let me share one with you, see if you c...
grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

Yes I can solve the interview problem (as in, the problem with interviews in the industry in general!).

I would look at the person interviewing me dead in the eyes and ask "who hurt them". What made them think in any way this question remotely resembles something you would need to do in the real world?

I would look at them asking why on Earth they thought it was a good interview question, what skills it proved I had that I would need to learn and just generally ask them why we can't create an interview process that actually proves talent.

I would ask them what happened to our industry where they thought this question is remotely useful and then would slowly rise from my seat, thank them for the opportunity and walk to the door.

Just as the door is about to close I would say "And please can I have the 🍬 treat 🍬 you promised me for solving it" and walk away, still searching for a company that doesn't ask dumb interview questions. 😉🤣

Being Serious for a second, besides the dig at our industry and it's stupid interview practices it was a fun little brain teaser. Have a ❤🦄 for a nice morning wake up challenge!

nombrekeff profile image

Yeah, I would run away from there as fast as possible. Can't imagine what the interviewer could do, seems like a psychopath really.

Just kidding, but I agree, this is not the type of question we should be asking in an interview, it shows nothing of value for the real world. I think this is more of a practice exercise for begginers more than anything. Though it's a fun little problem

0shuvo0 profile image

Actually it was really interesting
Because the like you'd finally decode would lead you to the next step of recruitment

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

Haha now this would make it more interesting as remote interview technique, you can only proceed to the next step if you can decode the link.

You could also make it time sensitive so if they take too long to complete the task the link expires!

Still hate questions like this (yet again, not a stab at you, just our industry), but that line of thinking, a "follow the breadcrumbs" type of coding interview, that is an awesome and fun idea 🤣

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nombrekeff profile image

That's really cool, gamifing it and making it somewhat of a puzzle. I guess the complexity would increment as you solved more steps right?

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nombrekeff profile image

Yup, that's quite cool actually, making the process a bit more fun.

0shuvo0 profile image
Shuvo • Edited

Yes, there also as time limit of link

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0shuvo0 profile image

maybe if we prove P = NP the way they Interview people will also change 😅

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moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

You're saying it would be a valid question as part of a trail of clues?
I've always liked those provided they have any logical reasoning behind them. But this one doesn't, this one has two options:

  1. it gives you the steps they took toobfuscate their string and you have to reverse that, and maybe throw some permutations in there until you get the right answer, and hope that there isn't more than one answer that is a valid URL.
  2. it gives you the string and says "get on with it"

1 is an exercise demonstrating you can do a few different tasks, laid out more like chores, and 2 could be absolutely anything and is a game of nonsense rather than any kind of logical or lateral thinking.

mudlabs profile image

Structuring interview questions at any company should be straight forward. Compile issues the company has actually faced and overcome recently. From that list produce question related to the role so you can see if a candidate can at best solve problems the company tends to have, or at least demonstrates good reasoning around those issues.

0shuvo0 profile image

Many DSA/CP related questions won't resemble something you would need to do in the real world

0shuvo0 profile image

What kind of question would be good to know interviewees problem solving capability in about an hour?

grahamthedev profile image

The concept is to build upon previous bits to show a persons thought process and how they organise (and reorganise) code.

Needs some refinement but I think a concept like this is way better.

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0shuvo0 profile image

You can't have such basic one for intermediate or senior role

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grahamthedev profile image

If you think it is too easy for senior devs then you can add more complexity.

It is the concept and what it looks at that is more important.

Instead of us testing if they can remember some obscure algorithm (that you would just look up) you can assess their thought process.

If you read the article you will see that the actual problems are not what is being tested, instead we are testing:

  • their thought processes,
  • refactoring,
  • thinking about extensibility,
  • following instructions and briefs and knowing where to ask questions etc.

These are the skills that matter in a team, I don't care if you can write a "travelling salesman problem" solve from memory, I just care that you can order your thoughts into a logical path to complete a given challenge in the real world and create code that is easy to maintain.

Also, it is just a concept, you can make it as difficult as you want by just adding harder requirements after point 8.

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0shuvo0 profile image
Shuvo • Edited

To be honest I never liked CP
My leetcode rating it 1 star
But most tech companies will either demand a degree which I don't have or good cp skills

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grahamthedev profile image

Yeah, and that is half the issue as it skews the thought process!

It is always fun seeing how people spend months practicing coding interview problems who have been developing for years as it isn't what they do each day!

I always imagine it to be like a lorry driver being asked how to replace a clutch...kind of related but doesn't tell you how good they are at driving and a skill they will probably never need to use! 🤣

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0shuvo0 profile image

Maybe some day it will change

0shuvo0 profile image

And yes its quite fun 😅
The permutation part is what people struggles to figure out

brunnerh profile image

If nothing is known about the URL beforehand, this seems underspecified. There are multiple valid URLs that can be constructed from the fragments.

function permutate(arr) {
    if (arr.length == 1) return [arr];

    return, i) => {
        var rest = [...arr];
        rest.splice(i, 1);
        return permutate(rest).map(x => [item, ...x])

  .map(x => atob(x.join('')))
  .map(x => { try { return new URL(x).toString() } catch { return null } })
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0shuvo0 profile image

You can take those multiple URLs as a challenge as well
Like sending https request to see the status

brunnerh profile image

Those are additional assumption about the URL, though:

  • It uses a common web protocol like HTTP/HTTPS
  • There actually is a reachable server that would reply to those requests
rushannotofficial profile image
Rushan S J

Hey, I got the solution. The only thing is that I'm more familiar with python but the same logic applied in other languages too.

import itertools, base64

originalarray = ["6Ly9kZXYudG", "9jb21tZW5", "8vMHNodXZvMC", "aHR0cHM", "0LzFqZTFt"]     # this is the input 

for i in itertools.permutations(originalarray, len(originalarray)):  # getting all possible combinations
    tmpdecodedstring = ""
    for k in i:     # iterate over each strng in the array and add it to the string
        tmpdecodedstring += str(k)
        print("URL is: " + str(str(base64.b64decode(tmpdecodedstring)).decode()))  # decode the string finally
        pass # only proper base64 string dont raise an error. If there is a error, that means that the string is incorrect and we try another permutation.
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0shuvo0 profile image


nombrekeff profile image

Some people just want to see the world burn lol!!!!

Fun exercise nonetheless, here is what I came up with in 5 minutes. I did it in NodeJS though.

A couple of notes on the solution:

  1. It only works with simple urls as the one mentioned in the example, it wont work if the URI has query params, or more complex structure
  2. I had to google how to do permutations as I have never needed to use it in the real world
  3. If we wanted to check for more complex urls, we could update the isValidUrl function to do so, without changing anything else

But basically the logic is this:

  1. Convert string into an array by removing unnecessary characters ([]") and then split by comma (,)
  2. Permutate the array
  3. Filter all non-valid urls
  4. What you're left with is the correct URL
const permutator = (inputArr) => {
    let result = [];

    const permute = (arr, m = []) => {
        if (arr.length === 0) {
        } else {
            for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                const curr = arr.slice();
                const next = curr.splice(i, 1);
                permute(curr.slice(), m.concat(next));


    return result;

const isValidUrl = (candidateUrl) => {
    return /^https:\/\/\/([\w0-9]+\/?)+$/i.test(candidateUrl);

const array = url.replace(/[\[ \]"]/g, '').split(',')
const correctUrl = permutator(array)
    .map(p => p.join(''))
    .map(s => Buffer.from(s, 'base64').toString())

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0shuvo0 profile image

Nice 💓

microtot profile image
MicroTot • Edited

This is the worst implementation here, but it workd

let url = ["aHR0cHM", "6Ly9kZXYudG", "8vMHNodXZvMC",  "9jb21tZW5",  "0LzFqZTFt" ]
var joinedUrl = url.join()

var result = joinedUrl.replace(/,/g, "")
var decoded = atob(result)
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[LOG]: "" 
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choroba profile image
E. Choroba

A Perl solution I was able to write in less than 5 minutes:

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };

use MIME::Base64 qw{ decode_base64 };
use List::Util qw{ shuffle };

my $cipher = '[ "6Ly9kZXYudG", "9jb21tZW5", "8vMHNodXZvMC", "aHR0cHM", "0LzFqZTFt" ]';

my @strings = $cipher =~ /"([^"]+)"/g;

my $string = "";
until ($string =~ /^[ -~]+$/) {
    @strings = shuffle(@strings);
    $string = decode_base64(join "", @strings);
say $string;
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0shuvo0 profile image


Sloan, the sloth mascot
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0shuvo0 profile image


kb1hyr profile image

Convert the strings in each array element back to base64, then iterate through each possible combination until you find one that, converted back into a string, starts with http. This is aided by the fact the last array element will always end in ==.

jefflindholm profile image
Jeff Lindholm

This sounds like some of the 'oldschool' brain teasers (example: 'Why are manhole covers round?' -- which of course I answer 'because manholes are round, any other shape would be silly')
At least this is asking for you to code something vs. just ask if you know trivia.

enygma2002 profile image
Eduard Moraru • Edited

Here's my not-so-fancy recursive solution :)

let url = [ "6Ly9kZXYudG", "9jb21tZW5", "8vMHNodXZvMC", "aHR0cHM", "0LzFqZTFt" ]

function testUrl(testUrl) {

function test(segments, currentString) {
  //console.log("try(segments: " + segments + " currentString: " + currentString)
  if (segments.length == 0) {
    let decoded = atob(currentString)
    if (decoded.startsWith("https://") && testUrl(decoded)) {
      console.log("Encoded: " + currentString)
      console.log("Decoded: " + decoded);
  } else {
    for (let i=0; i<segments.length; i++) {
      let newString = currentString + segments[i];
      let remainingSegments = segments.slice(0, i).concat(segments.slice(i+1, segments.length))

      test(remainingSegments, newString)

test(url, "")
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Encoded: aHR0cHM6Ly9kZXYudG8vMHNodXZvMC9jb21tZW50LzFqZTFt
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0shuvo0 profile image

You solved it? Great 👏

0shuvo0 profile image

Have a treat 🍬

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

Sarcastic and snarky comments? 😜🤣

stop being so nice to me, my head won’t fit through the door 😉❤️

d3skdev profile image
0shuvo0 profile image

Seems like your code only works is it elements of array is in a particular order

I shuffled the array again and its not working

let url = `[ "6Ly9kZXYudG", "9jb21tZW5", "8vMHNodXZvMC", "aHR0cHM", "0LzFqZTFt" ]`;

const base64 = JSON.parse(url);
const sort = base64.sort(() => 0 - Math.random()).join("");
const decode = atob(sort);

document.getElementById("url").innerHTML =  decode;
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d3skdev profile image

i see, please check my update

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0shuvo0 profile image

It works
Pro tip: you can optimize it by first getting the permutation of the array

jayakrishnancn profile image

Quick question, why did you use sort(() => 0 - Math.random()) ?
to reverse sort?

sarathm09 profile image

No, it shuffles the array elements. Basically he is shuffling the array again and again till he gets it right

documentednerd profile image
Kevin Mack

I fail to see how this interview problem does anything other than play "stump the chump." Realistically interviews are about determining if a person's skills, and personality are a fit for the team, and the work being done. How does this accomplish any of that? I can't think of a single time that this scenario would be applicable to an actual project. And I am of the belief that at any interview, "you are interviewing them, as much as they are interviewing you." This would speak volumes to me as part of a terrible "Know-it-all" / gate keeper culture that I would not want to be a part of.

itr13 profile image
Mikael Klages

Ignore the input and ddos their site with random urls until you find the correct url.

Personally I would decline to solve their challenge and show them source code I've written in the past, though honestly, this specific question sounds like a big red flag.

joeattardi profile image
Joe Attardi

What a ridiculous interview question.

ky1e_s profile image
Kyle Stephens

I sincerely hope nobody is being asked questions like this in interviews.


Sloan, the sloth mascot
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0shuvo0 profile image

Actually it doesn't decode to
And you won't know the expected URL beforehand

crimson589 profile image

I don't want to code but is it...

  1. Turn String back to array (JSON.parse)
  2. Join the array values together
  3. decode the value
  4. Check if it was decoded successfully and if the result was a valid URL
  5. If not, join the array in another sequence and repeat step 2


Can probably shorten it by always putting the string with an equal sign at the end and just looping the rest.

0shuvo0 profile image

Yes but there might be multiple valid URL tho

grahamthedev profile image

🤣 “great minds think alike”…or is it “fools seldom differ”, I will go for “great minds” as I don’t want to drag you down with me 😜

thacken profile image
Chris Thackrey

This was a fun problem I haven't crossed paths with before, please consider sharing more like this!

0shuvo0 profile image

Many thanks.

0shuvo0 profile image

and don't even tell them about the problem at all

sully8665 profile image

Solved it in 30 mins :)

0shuvo0 profile image

That's great 🚤

0shuvo0 profile image

Glad you liked it