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Hello Devs!

Developers, Developers, Developers !

This is my first post ever 😄

Hey there fellow Devs! I am 0neilwe .The laziest developer yet, sadly. 😦

I would categorise myself as someone who wasted a lot of time in trying to becoming a developer. I'm still on the way 👍 , I haven't even mastered a language let alone touched any framework for the programming language.

I have been interested in Web development , Data Science and Machine Learning since I first learned about the Dev-world at the age of 17 on 2018.

Learnt HTML at 17 with a bit of CSS. Learnt nothing at 2019.

Started my first year of studying Graphic Design on Feb 2020 ,I hated my course so much that I stopped paying attention and started doing freeCodeCamp tutorials in class.

Completed Responsive Web Design in March (not the projects!),
Then , I burnt out.

Enters COVID-19!

3 months had passed of me doing nothing and around mid-June , I started learning Python up until July and burnt out.

Tried to learn Javascript in 3 days with no space-repetition learning. Gave up 😞

However ,

It is a Happy New Year and I have been practicing Javascript almost every day .Now I am totally looking forward to making my Developer dream a priority and would love to be part of a community that can help me reach my goal with open arms. 💛

If you read this far , I am grateful that there are people like you who care for the growth of the DEV community.

Top comments (10)

mattmarquise profile image
Matthew Marquise

Welcome! Coding can seem overwhelming at times but that with anything in life. Don't let yourself lose sight of why you originally started learning to code. That passion and drive has the power to take you many places in the developer world! You can do it!

iamschulz profile image
Daniel Schulz

Don't worry, everyone has their own learning curve. It's impossible to learn JavaScript in a few days. Take your time and learn the things you have fun playing with. Doing nothing at all is perfectly fine, especially if it helps your mental health.
Also, being lazy is an advantage, because lazy developers tend to go for simple solutions and automate tedious tasks :)

All the best and enjoy your journey!

cmuralisree profile image
Chittoji Murali Sree Krishna • Edited

Hey bro welcome,

even i am kind of new to this stuff, as CSE graduate i dont even know how write a print statement at the first when i joined the college, everyday classes were going on i am unable to understand because everyone in college have c language from there xi class,

then one of class was web-dev, from there i started to learn how code works such as classes, id's, functions, event's,
then i took python to learn basics of programming as it doesnt need any sort of syntax rather than indentation,

now my batchmates who thought themselves as pro's were asking me for help in there exams.

my learning curve is:

Always take one language as Base like c, c++, java, python and understand the basics of it.
later try something with them like creating basic codes like terminal based scientific-calculator like so for understanding the methods and debugging the problems
later you will definetly understand any basic codes and stuff, now try using frameworks or Api's

i might be wrong for others, but this way i trained my self

matteodem profile image
Matteo De Micheli

Hello dude or dudette, welcome to the world of web development!

0neilwe profile image

Thank you very much , I will definitely give it a shot. I'm actually thinking of making my own Super Mario game with JS.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Welcome! Really liking the Demon Slayer header images.

dansvel profile image
dan • Edited

Welcome from developer wannabe (me).
Graduate at 2015 but still learn Javascript +_+

Try to get to know Svelte, hope your enthusiasm for learning will increase.
~( ̄▽ ̄)~

0neilwe profile image

I want to get a good grasp of React and Vue first, but I'll definitely give Svelte a try. Feel like Svelte is a underdog-framework if that makes sense

leob profile image

Developers, Developers, Developers - YES ! :-)